Capacité de production | manufacturing capacity, production capacity |
Financement | financing |
Cible | target |
Eloignement | remoteness |
Pouvoir d'achat | purchasing power |
Libre-échange | free trade |
Douanières | customs (adjective) |
Barrières tarifaires | customs barriers ; tariff barriers ; trade barriers |
Etudes de marché | market studies |
Concurrence | competition |
Foires commerciales | trade fair |
Salons | trade show |
Implantés | established, settled |
A l'étranger | abroad |
Livraison | delivery |
Commercialisation | merchandising, product marketing |
Portage | piggyback operation |
Réseau de distribution | sales network |
Redevances | fees |
Dumping | dumping |
Pratique déloyale | unfair practice |
A bon marché | cheaply |
Prix de revient | cost price |
Marché étranger | foreign market |
Transporteur | carrier, freighter, transport company |
Emballage | packaging |
Chargements | loads, shipments |
Pays-Bas | the Netherlands |
Camion | truck |
Se briser | to break |
Encourus | incurred |
Bris | breaking (noun) |
Endommagement | damage |
Perte | the loss |
Vol | the theft |
Litige | litigation, lawsuit, dispute |
Intenter une poursuite judiciaire | to file a lawsuit |
Fournisseur | supplier |
Navire | a ship |
Chargement | a load ; a shipment |
Licence d'importation | import license |
Licence d'exportation | export license |
Expédiée | shipped |
Crédit documentaire | letter of credit |
Engagement | commitment |
Documents relatifs au transport | shipping documents |
Bon de commande | order form, purchase order |
Bon de chargement | loading/shipping document |
Facture des frais d'expédition | invoice of transport charges |
Certificat d'origine | certificate of origin |
Commissionnaire en douane | customs broker |
Douane | customs |
Dédouaner | to clear customs |
Au nom de | on behalf of |
Transitaire | carrier, freight forwarder |
Commissaire de transport | freight forwarder |
Transitaire international | international freight forwarder |
Factures | invoices |
Dédouanement | customs clearance |
Confisquées | seized |
Amende | fine |
Faire passer en contrebande | to smuggle in/out |
Oeuvres d'art | works of art |
Armement | arms, weaponry |
Balance commerciale | trade balance |
Excédentaire | in surplus |
Déficitaire | in defecit |
balance commerciale déficitaire | trade deficit ; negative trade balance |
solde commercial | trade account ; trade balance |
Balance commerciale équilibrée | balanced trade balance |
Devises étrangères | foreign currency |
Exédent | Surplus |
PIB | Gross Domestic Product (GDP) |
PNB | Gross National Product (GNP) |
Droits de douane | customs duties |
Barrières douanières | customs barriers ; tariff barriers ; trade barriers |
Frontières | borders |
Marché commun | European domestic market |
Union douanière | customs union |
Tarif extérieur commun | common tariff of the E.U. |
Frontières | borders |
Libre pratique | (legal) free traffic |
Libre circulation des marchandises | free traffic of goods |
Régler les différends commerciaux | to settle trade disputes |
Chef d'Etat | head of state |
Europe occidentale | Western Europe |