Answer the questions in Parts I, II and III.

All questions to be answered in the examination answer booklet. 

Write double-spaced,  do NOT use a faint pencil or a Red pen.  Neatness counts.



This examination is worth 40% of the final grade for the course.

This examination totals 100 points.

Part I has 3 questions and is worth 30 points (10 points per question, choice of 3 out of 6 questions)   

Part II has 2 questions and is worth 20 points (10 points per question, choice of 2 out of 4 questions)

Part III has one question and is worth 50 points (choice of 1 out of 3 questions).


Part I - Short Answers based on the textbook and lectures

Answer three of the following questions.  Each is worth 10 points.  Do not answer more than two questions.


1.  Based on the Pythagorean Theorem, develop the Distance Theorem  (from Chapter 13 - Distance)


2.  Explain the following Figure and Inset map (from Chapter 12 - Direction)




3.  Explain the following Figure  (from Chapter 13 - Distance).



4.  Explain the following Figure.  (from Chapter 14:  Compass and Maps)



5.  Establishing Your Position — using the Inspection Method (by Distance Estimation or by Resection).  Explain how done.  (from Chapter 14:  Compass and Maps)


6.  Establishing Your Position — using the Altimeter Method (by Linear Feature or by Sight Line).  Explain how done.  (from Chapter 14:  Compass and Maps)






Part II- Short Answers based on the lab/assignments

Answer two of the following questions.  Each is worth 10 points.  Do not answer more than two questions.


7.  Discuss pros and cons of the “image based plane table” field mapping method we used in Gibbons Park.


8.  Compare the map component in Assignment 1 to the CTN in Assignment 3.


9.  Describe the ways a compass was used as part of Assignment 4.


10. Briefly review two major cartographic (mapmaking) principles that were mentioned in the lab for “Assignment 3:  Design and Implementation of a Cartographic Travel Narrative”..

Part III- Essay

Write a well organised/stuctured   5-6 page doublespaced  essay on one of the following topics. First make an outline, and then write your essay.  Submit neat final versions of both your outline and your essay.  Focus on key terms.  Include examples and diagrams if relevant.  Write simple accurate sentences.   Use a pen.  The essay is worth 50 points.


11.   Essay Title:  The section on Prepping Maps for GPS Use in the chapter on “GPS and Maps”  (Chapter 15)


12.  Essay Title:    “Time and Maps”  (Chapter 8)


13.   Essay Title:  “Establishing Your Position”.   (This section appears in Chapter 14:  Compass and Maps ).