Lec 2:  Reality, Data

“Art is a lie which makes us realize the truth” (Picasso)

Quote from the Introduction to Part I of the book

Do you want to understand Part I — on “Map Reading” and its 10 Chapters?

If so, then read the Intro to Part I (pp. 17-18)

To quote from Paragraph 2 on p. 18:

“Since the exact duplication of a geographical setting is impossible, a map is actually a metaphor.  The map maker asks the map reader to believe that an arrangement of points, lines, and areas on a flat sheet of paper is equivalent to a multidimesional world in space and time.  For full meaning, the map reader must go beyond the paper-and-ink representation to the real world referents of the system.”

Is this true?

Since Chapter 1 is about The Environment to be Mapped

let’s look at an environment and at a modern map of that environment

... and assess the validity of the quoted assertion

Saline Valley slideshow versus a “modern map viewing experience”

So what’s the verdict?


Today’s Lecture

Geographic Reality

Geographic Data

Geographic Reality

The Physical (or “Material”) World

The concept of a geographic feature

a “geography as geometry” point of view

Feature hierarchy



physical (eg. “bridge”)
conceptual (“soil type”)


derived, form/pattern, spatial arrangement (eg. “centroid”)


Process (eg. “air mass flow”)

has temporal component



Dispersed/Discontinuous features

Continuous phenomena

Discrete (Figs 1.1., 1.2)

Fig 1.1.

Fig 1.2

Dispersed/Discontinuous features


Rock Outcrops

Park Forest

Houses in a village

and other “salt or pepper” distributions

Continuous phenomena  (Figs 1.4 - 1.7)

Mosaic, Stepped, or Smooth surfaces

Mosaic surfaces

w/distinct border (rare)

w/continuous transitional boundaries (more common)

Fig 1.4

Fig 1.5

Stepped surfaces


nature tends to smooth gradual transitions

Fig 1.6

Smooth surfaces

eg. elevation

environmental gradients

Dimensionality of Environment

Fig 1.9

Quote p. 26 para 2

“We learn early that objects have three dimensions: length, width, and height.  If all three dimensions are 0, we have a 0-dimesional (point) object.  If two dimensions are 0, we have a one-dimesional (linear) feature.  If only one dimesion is 0, we have a two-dimensional (area) feature.  If an objects exhibits all three dimensions, we have a three-dimensional solid (volumetric) feature.  In geographical terms, length and width become area or region, and height becomes elevation or magnitude.”





Fig 1.10

Environmental Change

spatio-temporal context

static vs. dynamic feature

depends on/relative to a temporal scale

The Nature of Time

T is relative

natural time

biological time

clock or calendar time

...and their importance in Aviation

Enviromental Temporality

Change of Environmental Features

change in State

change in Position

rate of change

Quote (pp. 28-29)

“Things that happen too fast we miss.  We may also miss changes that happen too slowly. This is a common problem when observing our environment.  Pollution creeps into lakes and streams, fields are eroded, and living things become extinct, all before we realize what’s happening. We humans are adept at ignoring the passage of time. That’s why high-school reunions are so shocking.  What a blow to discover that while we haven’t aged, all our classmates have!”

Fig 1.11

Pattern of change




Fig. 1.12

Fig 1.13

Movement through space — of

discrete point features





Representing the Real World

Representing a student in the class

   Call for a volunteer ...

PinPoint = 2 310


Low-Res Computer Monitor   640x480 = 307 200

We will refer to this experiment as the lecture unravels

Representing the whole class


Name, Student Number, Program, Year

Students as Geographic Features...


with Name (Last, First)

Geographic Data

The issue of data quality

(a bit like cars, drugs, cooking recipe ingredients)

Aspects of information gathering which influence mapped data

the method used to gather data

the way the data are structured

the nature of the quantification achieved

the data inventory scheme

the derivation of statistical summary measures from raw data values

Acquisition Method

Ground Survey

horizontal and vertical measurements

Horizontal measurements

horizontal reference datums (Fig. 2.1)


Fig. 2.1

Fig. 2.2a

Dead Reckoning



Fig. 2.2

Vertical measurements


vertical reference datums

mean sea level (MSL)


geoid-ellipsoid differences (Fig. 2.3)

Fig. 2.3

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Modern survey measurements

Self-Study sub-units:


Remote Sensing


Data Model

Object-Oriented Model

(Vector GIS, CAD)

Location Oriented Model

(Grid-based, Raster GIS, cell, pixel, matrix, array, image)

Measurement Level

Table 2.2

Inventory Scheme

Population Counts





Spatial Samples

Fig. 2.8

Spatial Prediction

Point to Point Conversions (Figs 2.9 and 2.10)



Fig 2.9

Fig 2.10

Also discussed are:

Area to Point Conversion (eg. Population Density sample areas)

Area to Area Conversion (eg. Zonal Transformation)

Point to Area Conversion (partitioning space, eg. Fig. 2.15 via Thiessen Polygons, Voronoi Diagrams)

Fig 2.15

Derived Values

values derived from transforming data

logical, arithmetic, statistical transformations


summarize values in the form of a statistic representing a typical value

characterize the variation within an existing set of values

summarize values in the form of a statistic representing an atypical value

(e.g. extremes, outliers, anomalies)

Fig. 2.16

The End
