Kolomogorov -Smirnov test nonparametric test, one or two samples, weakly ordinal most often - where you have data in the form of frequencies that fall into ordered classes example 1 (one-sample application) one sample case - compare sample data with some expected population distribution sample - random sample of 100 farms located at different distances from the market place. Distances of farms from markets allocated to classes class 0-4.9 5-9.9 10-14.9 15+ frequency 30 25 25 20 %of total 10 20 30 40 land
% of total land = expected population distribution under a null hypothesis frequency of farms - observed distribution/sample H0: distance from market has no influence on farm location (observed distance (sample) no different from expected population H1: distance from market and farm location are significantly related (observed/sample significantly different from expected population confidence level = "=0.05 95% confidence level of H0 no truecompute D statistic: first convert observed and expected distributions into cumulative proportions and list the difference observed (Oi) 30/100=0.30 25/100=0.25 25/100=0.25 20/100=0.20 E Oi 0.30 0.55 0.85 1.00expected (Ei) 10/100=0.10 20/100=0.20 30/100=0.30 40/100=0.40 E ei 0.10 0.30 0.60 1.00diff 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.00 find max difference = 0.25 D is found by inspection of the differences between the cumulative proportions difference is absolute value computed values of D must exceed table values to reject H0 (pages 282 and 283 in text) for samples over 35 at "=0.05 is 1.36/%nso critical value is .136 if observed and expected values are equal then D=0 critical value of .136 means that if the null hypothesis is true, we expect Dmax value this large in 5% of samples therefore D=0.136 defines lower limit of top 5% of probability distribution of D with a sample of 100 in this case, D=0.25 which is in the top 5% Dmax > Dcritical, reject null hypothesis, accept research .25 > .136 therefore at "=0.05, can reject H0 and conclude the samples are significantly differentfarm location seems to be dependent on distance from the market place example 2 (2 sample application) commuting distances
H0: (two tailed) no significant difference in commuting distances of the 2 groups Test (2 tailed) D=max *c1 - c2*where c1 and c2 are cumulative proportional distributions of the 2 samples
large sample approximation, say over 100 cases
Dtest > Dcritical 0.42 > 0.27 therefore can reject null, suggest real differences in the commuting distances of two groups for a stricter test alternate test for significance for one tailed test m= # of observations in sample one n= # of observations in sample two with df=2 critical value is 5.99 this can be used only when N>40 with N-2 df (pg 276 in text) the degree of difference is important not the sign of the difference |