Mann-Whitney U-test use when strong ordinal (at least) available e.g. 1/2/3/4/5 is a powerful distribution free test when interval/ratio (with unknown or non-normal distribution) the data are allotted rank numbers in a sequence it is used to test whether there is a difference in two independent samples that is do the samples come from different populations
example: shopping behavior in London, $/month on food downtown (A) 135 137 144 140 146 145 mean=$141.17 n1=6 suburbs (B) 132 133 142 134 136 143 mean=$136.66 n2=6 sample size n1=n2= 6 if different the smaller is always n1
averages indicate suburban store food prices are lower than downtown prices but is the difference significant?
H0: that the samples are drawn from the same population and that the differences are due to chance variation H1: That the samples are drawn from different populations and that the differences are significant
step 1. rank order the values (prices) but maintain the group identity if the values are tied use the arithmetic average of the rankings they would otherwise receive
LET # in group A be n1 let # in group B be n2 G ranks (A) be R1= 50 G ranks (B) be R2= 28step 2: calculate U - inspect each B in turn and count the number of As which precede it U=0+0+0+1+3+3 = 7 this is test statistic
step 3: look up critical value pg 280 in text for 2 tailed at .10 the value is 7 for 2 tailed at .05 the value is 3
U will be large if [BABABA] u = 3 U will be small if [BBBAAA] u = 0 computed values of U must be less than or equal to the value in table to reject H0 here U=7 and critical value =3 we cannot reject null hypothesis
computational formula
check Umin = n1 x n2 - Umax
taking the smaller value of U we get 7 which is greater than the critical value so we reject the null
for larger sample size > 20 we can test H0 with a z statistic using significance
a low value of U is produced when there is a large difference between 2 samples for H1: X … Y the value needed is the smaller of Ux Uy for H1: X > Y ( a one tailed test) the value needed is Ux or U1 for H1: X < Y ( a one tailed test) the value needed is Uy or U2