I need help with the lecture material?
I need help with the laboratory material / assignments?
Where can I find information on university academic regulations?
I missed a lecture?
I missed a lab?
I can't write the midterm exam on the scheduled date.
I missed an exam scheduled by the registrar? (I was sick)
I have an exam conflict?
I have personal issues that are interfering with my school work?
I have a problem with completing an assignment on time?
What documentation will I need for:
What documentation will I need if I have been ill?
What documentation will I need if someone in my family has been seriously ill?
What documentation will I need if there are extenuating circumstances to my
personal situation?
Useful Web links
I need help with the lecture material?
It is best to ask the professor directly use their office hours, or if you
are unable to attend during office hours, set up an alternative time. The TAs
may be able to answer your question, but they do not attend the lectures.
I need help with the laboratory material / assignments?
Your TA can provide help in both your scheduled lab period and during their
office hours.
The course instructor (Prof. Voogt) can also provide help with the labs /
assignments during their posted office hours.
Where can I find information on university academic regulations?
All official regulations are contained in the University of Western Ontario
academic calendar: http://www3.registrar.uwo.ca/calendars/index.cfm
The calendar includes information on grades, penalties, appeals as well as
program requirements.
I missed a lecture?
If you miss a lecture due to a minor illness or other problems, check your
course outlines for information regarding attendance requirements and make sure
you are not missing a test or assignment. Cover any readings and arrange to
borrow notes from a classmate. See the notes posted on the course web site.
I missed a lab?
If you missed your lab class it is best if you attend another of the lab
sections that week to hear the presentation and benefit from the TA help.
Lab times are posted on the registrar's web site (http://www3.registrar.uwo.ca/InfoServices/Timetables.cfm)(select
undergraduate fall winter timetable).
I can't write the midterm exam on the scheduled date / I have missed the
midterm exam.
Contact the instructor to arrange for an alternate time. Documentation
will be required (see below).
I missed an exam scheduled by the registrar?
You should contact the instructor as soon as possible. Leave an email
message or phone mail message. Remember to include your name, student number,
course number, and your contact information with your message. You should also
contact your faculty's academic counseling office. (Arts, Engineering, Health
Science, Information and Media Studies, Music, Science, Social Science, or one
of the Affiliated Colleges.
I have an exam conflict?
Inform the instructor as soon as possible. You must contact your faculty'
academic counseling office. Arts, Engineering, Health Science, Information and
Media Studies, Music, Science, Social Science, or one of the Affiliated
Colleges. Your Dean's office (academic counseling office) will confirm that
there is an exam conflict one exam overlapping another, or 3 exams within 24
I have personal issues that are interfering with my school work?
You should talk to an academic counselor in your faculty' academic
counseling office. (Arts, Engineering, Health Science, Information and Media
Studies, Music, Science, Social Science, or one of the Affiliated Colleges. The
academic counselor can, if you ask, send a note to each of your instructors.
I have a problem with completing an assignment on time?
If at all possible, inform the person you are handing the assignment in to
BEFORE the due date. Accommodations may be possible, depending on the
circumstances. Once the due date has passed, the rules and penalties for late
assignments as stated in the course outline will apply.
What documentation will I need if I have been ill?
If you consulted Student Heath Services regarding your illness or personal
problem, you should complete a Records Release Form at the Academic Counselling
Office. This form will be forwarded to Student Heath Services who in turn will
provide confirmation of the problem to the Academic Counsellor. At your request,
the Academic Counsellor will send confirmation to your instructor(s).
If you were seen by an off-campus doctor, obtain a certificate from his/her
What documentation will I need if someone in my family has been seriously
In Case of Serious Illness of a Family Member obtain a medical certificate
from the family member's physician. In Case of a Death: Obtain a copy of the
newspaper notice or death certificate.
What documentation will I need if there are extenuating circumstances to
my personal situation?
For Other Extenuating Circumstances: If you are not sure what documentation
to provide, ask your instructor or an Academic Counsellor. N.B. To submit a
forged document is a scholastic offense. Forged notes and certificates will be
dealt with severely.
Useful Web links
Student Development Centre (Career Services, Study Skills Services, Effective
Writing Program, Students with Disabilities).
University's Academic Calendars
Social Science Academic Counselling
Geography Department's home page