In-class Tests

The two tests will be held in the Thursday classes of the weeks indicated in the schedule (see schedule for dates). They will be discussed in classes before each one is held.

No electronic devices may be used during a test. All such devices must be stored in a bag or backpack and not visible during the test. Any incident involving use of a device during a test will result in penalties as laid out by the University.

The tests will take about 45 minutes and will involve answering questions set out in a table structure. Tests will be roughly half in multiple choice format and half in short answer format. The instructor will clarify in class what format tests will take on any specific occasion. It is the student's responsibility to attend class and obtain the latest information from the instructor.

Questions will resemble those found in the following sample test file, but the number of questions may not be the same. This is just a guide for information.

Examples of past tests with questions and their answers:

Example of test 1 (with answers) can be found in this PDF file.

Example of test 2 (with answers) can be found in this PDF file.

Please note that in Fall 2016 the questions about space businesses etc. will not be asked - focus on solar system, robotic exploration and space law.