scale of the map | distance measured
on the map |
distance measured
on the ground |
change in size of map* |
new scale
of the map** |
1:175000 | 8.5 cm | 175000 x 8.5 cm = 1487500 cm or 14.875 km |
125% | (1 x 1.25) / 175000 = 140000 scale = 1:140000 |
1:345000 | 7.9 km / 345000 = 0.0000228 km or 22.8 mm |
7.9 km | 200% | (1 x 2.00) / 345000 = 172500 scale = 1:172500 |
3.4 cm / 27.5 km = 3.4 cm / 2750000 cm = 1:808824 |
3.4 cm | 27.5 km | 80% | (3.4 x 0.8) / 2750000 = 1011029 scale = 1:1011029 |
1:25000000 | 31 mm | 25000000 x 31 mm = 775000000 mm or 775000 m or 775 km |
25000000 / 30000000 = 25/30 = 0.83 change = 83% |
1:30000000 |
5.5 cm / 22.5 km = 5.5 cm / 2250000 cm = 1:409091 |
5.5 cm | 22.5 km | 409091 / 150000 = 2.73 change = 273% |
1:150000 |
1:400000 | 17 km / 400000 = 0.0000425 km or 42.5 mm |
17.0 km | 67% | (1 x 0.67) / 400000 = 597015 scale = 1:597015 |
1:50000 | 55 mm | 50000 x 55 mm = 2750000 mm or 2.75 km |
120% | (1 x 1.2) / 50000 = 41667 scale = 1:41667 |
1:100000 | 45 km / 100000 = 0.00045 km or 45 cm |
45 km | 100000 / 50000 = 10/5 = 2 change = 200% |
1:50000 |
azimuth | bearing |
43o | N 43o E |
348o (360 - 12) |
N 12o W |
125.5o | S 54.5o E (180 - 125.5) |
144o 40' (180 - 35o 20') |
S 35o 20' E |
317o 30' | N 42o 30' W (360 - 317o 30') |
246.5o (180 + 66.5o) |
S 66.5o W |
magnetic declination
in 1939 (E or W of True North) |
change |
magnetic declination
in 1945 (E or W of True North) |
magnetic azimuth
measured in 1945 |
true north
azimuth |
4o 25' W | + 3' | 4o 43' W (4o 25' + 18') change = + 18' (3'/year x 6 years) |
103o 00' | 98o 17' (103o 00' - 4o 43') |
12o 20' E | - 1' | 12o 14' E (12o 20' - 6') change = - 6' (-1'/year x 6 years) |
226o 30' | 238o 44' (226o 30' + 12o 14') |
4o 15' E | + 5' | 4o 45' E (4o 15' + 30') change = + 30' (5'/year x 6 years) |
13o 15' (18o 00' - 4o 45') |
18o 00' |
symbol size |
value in data set |
value to be represented
on the map |
size of
that symbol |
value of
subdivision in data set |
size of
subdivision of symbol |
3 cm | 500000 | 130000 | 0.78 cm (3 cm x 130000/500000) |
95000 | 0.57 cm (3 cm x 95000/500000) |
2.5 cm | 740 | 520 | 1.76 cm (2.5 cm x 520/740) |
330 | 1.115 cm (2.5 cm x 330/740) |
1.5 cm | 122000 | 89467 (122000 x 1.10/1.5) |
1.10 cm | 61000 (122000 x 0.75/1.5) |
0.75 cm |
2.0 cm | 35500 | 15975 (35500 x 0.9/2.0) |
0.9 cm | 7988 (35500 x 0.45/2.0) |
0.45 cm |
Proportional symbol maps (area proportionality)
largest symbol
width |
maximum value in
data set |
value to
be represented |
width of symbol |
3 cm | 22000 square root = 148.32 |
14500 square root = 120.42 |
2.44 cm = 3.0 cm x (120.42 / 148.32) |
2.5 cm |
1945000 square root = 1394.63 |
526000 (1.3 / 2.5) x 1394.63 = 725.21 725.212 = 526000 |
1.3 cm |
2.0 cm | 7700 square root = 87.75 |
5700 square root = 75.50 |
1.72 cm = 2.0 cm x (75.50 / 87.75) |