The most important part of this is the personal map. Think of the marking this way: 20 marks for the personal map, and 20 marks as a 'second opinion' on your labs, marked by the instructor, not the TA. The chance for a second opinion allows you to make improvements to the maps based on feedback or improved understanding.
Note that your four main labs may not need any work at all when you submit them for the portfolio. But if you wish you can correct any mistakes or make improvements based on your TA's comments. Another possible change might be on the first of these maps, the original base map, which could be given any additions you feel like putting on it to make it more interesting.
During the term, as you get each map back from the TA, and especially if you do poorly with it, think about how to improve it. Correct errors, listen to feedback, ask the TA or instructor for advice. Fix the problems, if necessary drawing a whole new map if that's easier. Then hand the portfolio in at the end of term, just the set of five maps stapled at one corner. No cover sheet, binder or folder is required - in fact they are forbidden! - too much space, weight and waste. (This counts as a specification to be followed in marking!)
This project is due in as specified in the schedule. Check the schedule carefully! There will be a penalty for being late.