Labs Power point Midterm Grades Video Questions Readings


GEOGRAPHY 270a, 2005

(Economic Geography)


Dr. M.B. Green
Office: 2415 SSC
Phone: 661-2111, ext. 85025 email:  

Office Hours: Tuesdays  10:00-11:30 and by appointment


Teaching Assistant:  Luis Silva, lab sections: Wednesday from 2:30 to 3:30, and Thursday from 1:30 to 2:30 (SSC 2322), office hours 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Mondays in SSC 2304;

Teaching Assistant:: Yunliang Meng  lab section Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:30;, office hours 10-12 am on Thursdays,office number is Room 2304.

Lectures Tuesdays, 12:30-2:30pm , SSC 2322

Tutorials Wednesdays, Section 2, 2:30-3:30 pm , Section 3 3:30-4:30, Thursdays, Section 4, 1:30-2:30 pm , all in SSC 2322

Text:  Stutz, Frederick P. and Barney Warf, The World Economy, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2005.

Course Description:  The forces reshaping global economic geography; fundamentals of spatial economics; principles of locational decisions; spatial interaction; growth of spatial economic systems; examples are taken from a variety of countries.

Antirequisites: Geography 170 a/b

Prerequisite: Geography 020E

2 lecture hours, 1 practical work/tutorial hour, half course.

Objectives: This course introduces you to the economic geography of the world economy. A basic understanding of the geography inherent in the concepts of population, transportation, locational decisions and globalization is provided.

Course format: The course is lecture based with class discussion. Lecture attendance is vital.

Evaluation:  There will be two midterm examinations (100 minutes each), a final exam (2 hours) and four laboratory exercises. No travel or employment plans should be made during the Final Examination time. In accordance with university policy, missed exams cannot be made up except on written medical grounds and notification prior to exam date.

The breakdown of the grade weightings is as follows:

Each lab assignment 5%

Each midterm 30% or 20%.  The midterm with the highest mark will be weighted 30%, while the lower will be weighted 20%. The second midterm is not cumulative.

The final, is worth 30% of the course mark. The final exam is cumulative.

In addition you are expected to attend the lectures. You can’t learn the material if you aren’t there.  

If you have a cellular phone with you in class, TURN IT OFF!

Be sure to read the information from the Dean of Social Science Office.  Click here.

If you have questions about the regulations regarding exams or other requirements visit the social science academic counseling web site.  

If the fire alarm sounds you are to immediately vacate the building and not return until directed to do so by competent authority.

UWO SENATE STATEMENT ON PLAGARISM “ Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words. Whenever students take an idea, or a passage of text from another author, they must acknowledge their debt to both by using quotation marks where appropriate and by proper referencing such as footnotes or citations. Plagiarism is a major academic offence (See Scholastic Offence Policy in the Western Academic Calendar).” Essays may be evaluated by plagiarism checking software.

You should also note that any marks in the course are considered preliminary until you receive your final mark from the Registrar.

Course schedule (provisional)

September 13

Introduction  Film: Credit Where Its Due

pp. 1-19

September 20

Introduction (continued), Globalization, Film: Bomb Under the World, Lab 1 assigned, due: no later than Oct 6


September 21,22

Tutorial, (Globalization exercise)


September 27Globalization, Film: Coca Colonization  pp. 1-19

September 28,29



October 4 Globalization, Transportation in the World Economy, pp. 301-339
October 5, 6 Tutorial  
October 11Midterm 1  

October 12,13 


October 18

Transportation in the World Economy,  Film: Bullet Trains (Transportation Lab) 


October 19, 20



October 25

Transportation, Film: History of Interstate Highway System, World Agriculture, Film: Mutant Food


October 26,27



November 1

World Agriculture, listen to 'Golden Rice' from CBC radio segment at

pp. 187-219

November 2, 3



November 8

Midterm 2


November 9, 10

Tutorial (Von Thunen Exercise)


November 15

World Agriculture


November 16,17



November 22

Industrial Location lab, Manufacturing and Industrial Location, Film: The Assembly Line

pp. 157-183

November 23,24


November 29

Manufacturing and Industrial Location, Film: Midwest Auto Production


November 30, December 1 Tutorial


December 6

Cities as Retail and Service Centers, Film: Store Wars, read 'The Wal-Mart You Don't Know'

pp. 343-381 pp. 271-296  

FinalWednesday, December 14, 9 am



If you are having problems, SPEAK UP!  I am more than happy to help you with difficulties you are having in the course.  This help is conditional upon you doing your job.  That is, you should read the text or lab before you come to see me.  The session is much more fruitful if you have tried to understand the material first. I will not redo a class lecture because you didn't attend.  Please attend the lectures, it makes everyone's life much easier. 


Labs Power point Midterm Grades Video Questions Readings