Geography 280b lab
Who I am
My policy
The other TA…
The GIS lab equipment
GIS lab policy
GIS Lab Supervisors
Lab Supervisors (continued)
Introducing Macintosh
Logging into the machines
The Finder
Useful applications
Other useful applications
Zip disks
Temporary Hard Drive space
Working on Assignments
Do this now…
You should make a new folder at the beginning of each new assignment - and store all the files for that assignment in that folder
MFworks Raster GIS Program
Start MFworks
MFworks environment
Assignment #1:
Learning about MFworks
Let’s get going
Your screen should look something like this
The Map Window
"The legend window"
Save the Map
Working on the map
"Use the pencil tool to..."
Next step
Preparing to output the results
Script files
Making a Script file
Essential Elements of Scripts
That’s about it