Week of January 22

Announcements & Reminders


Zip disks and Hard drives

moving a folder from your zip disk to the hard-drive User Files (Temp) folder

Why bother with this - isn’t it ok to work off the zip disk?

Morale of the story

MFworks help resources (in addition to myself)

Assignment #2

Starting Assignment #2
Do this now…

Data files

Part 1: Light Blobs Problem

Quick review

Quick review continued…

Part 2: Nearest Airports


A simple example

ApparentTempC = (ApparentTempF - 32) * 5 / 9 ;

Flowchart may look like this

Symbols are available for the MFworks operations discussed so far

Where is the symbol library found?

Preparing assignments for submission

Verify that the output is what you expected using SimpleText to view it

After you have created your PICT files and you are happy with them

How to Submit the
Assignment to me

Using the chooser

Connect to Eagle as "Guest"

Select the "Geog280b" folder

Check your Desktop

Transfer "yourlastname-Assign#" output folder to the dropbox

Any questions?