Week of January 29
Todays agenda:
Announcements & reminders
Assignment #1 is due today
File encryption for peace-of-mind
Printing, the never-ending saga
New MFworks operations
Assignment #3
Work session for Assignment #2 & #3
Announcements & Reminders
Assignment #2 is due next week
What to do if your Zip disk experiences "problems"
Do NOT initialize the disk
See Joe in 2215 to recover the information
If Joe is not around - slip the disk under his door with a note explaining the problem and your name
If you havent done so already, Submit Assignment #1
Apple File Security
You can use this to prevent others from looking at or using your work
You can do this to files you are leaving on the hard-drive in the User-files (temp) folder
How to do it
Open the "items for GISCI" folder on the desktop
Double-click "Apple File Security"
Select the name of the file you wish to encrypt
Fill in the passphrase dialog box
The result
The file is secure from others
Double-clicking the file will prompt you for the passphrase
Secure files have a small "key" in their icon
Latest news is
we can print!
Printing will be to the GIS lab Black and White laser printer
No need to change any options or settings when you do print
Do not change the default printer
New MFworks operations this week
Boolean operations: NOT, AND, OR
Boolean operations: NOT
MFworks NOT
Boolean operations: AND
MFworks AND
and_example = "input layer 1" AND "input layer 2" ;
Boolean operations: OR
MFworks OR
or_example = "input layer 1" OR "input layer 2" ;
Generates a new map
Works on n input maplayers
Each zone in the new map identifies a unique combination of values from the input layers
MFworks Combine syntax
"combine-example" = Combine "input layer 1" with "input layer 2" ;
Combine in action
Another Combine example
using combine to compare an old map of forest cover with a new map of forest cover.
The Cross operation performs map layer cross tabulation
It works like a Recode + Combine operation where you assign values to specific zones in the output map layer by combining values from the input map layers
MFworks Cross syntax
"cross-example" = Cross "input layer 1" and "input layer 2"
Assigning 0 To 0 With 0
Assigning 1 To 1 With 0
Assigning 2 To 0 With 1
Assigning 3 To 1 With 1 ;
Cross in action
Another Cross example
Assignment #3
Spatial Multicriteria Decision Making
Using a GIS to find a place to live
What are some criteria to consider when choosing a residence?
Data files for this assignment are found in two folders in the Geog280b folder on the OSX1B drive:
Assignment #3 is due
the week of Feb. 12
Remainder of today
Work session on Assignments #2 and #3
Any questions?