Week of February 5 € Today¹s agenda: ­ Announcements & reminders ­ Submit Assignment #2 ­ Graphic layout ­ Printing ­ Scripts Announcements & Reminders € Printers - problems last week with the printer buffer required that the GIS lab be closed last Friday for an upgrade € Assignment #3 is due next week Assignment #2 is due today € If you have the assignment ready, please submit it now Layouts € Some more detail on preparing your layouts Graphic layout in MFworks A Scale Bar MFworks tools for preparing layouts Printing your layouts € Check the layout size (go to layout menu -> output size) € Your layouts should be one 8.5x11 page (like this here) € When you are ready to print press the layout window "Print" button € No need to change the default printer or any of the printer options Scripting The Script window Building Scripts € Use the operations menu to help construct script operation statements € Œfly-out¹ menus from the operations menu contain the modifiers for operation statements € Use the Map/File Names menu to insert map names into your script statements € List of available maps in this project Example script building You can check the syntax of the entire script or individual selections Include comments in the scripts you build to help explain the logic A note about writing your script statements € Examples in lectures and help files are meant to provide a template of the structure of an MFwork operation statement € You may substitute your map names for the names provided in italics € Optional modifiers are specified in square brackets [ ] € For example: That¹s all for the lecture portion of the show € Remainder of today is for working on Assignment #3 € Don¹t forget to submit Assignment #2 € Any questions?