Geog 301a

Fall 2005





Quiz 9
Perform a bivariate regression on the following data (17 marks)

River length/1000 discharge/10 length*discharge length2 discharge2
Nile                                        6.7 32.4 216.8 44.8 1049.8
Zaire (Congo)                               4.4 125 546.4 19.1 15625
Niger                                       4.2 31 129.7 17.5 961
Zambezi                                     2.7 15 41 7.5 225
Orange                                      2.1 0.9 1.9 4.4 0.8
Chang Jiang (Yangtze)                   5.8 90 521.7 33.6 8100
Ob                                          5.6 43.1 239.9 31 1857.6
Huang Ho (Yellow)                         4.7 5 23.3 21.8 25
Yenisei                                     4.5 60 270.4 20.3 3600
total= 40.6 402.4 1991.1 199.9 31444.2
mean= 4.5 44.7 221.2 22.2 3493.8

Calculate the regression variance (3 marks)

x y x*y    
River length/1000 discharge/10 length*discharge length2 discharge2
Nile                                        6.7 32.4 216.8 44.8 1049.8
Zaire (Congo)                               4.4 125 546.4 19.1 15625
Niger                                       4.2 31 129.7 17.5 961
Zambezi                                     2.7 15 41 7.5 225
Orange                                      2.1 0.9 1.9 4.4 0.8
Chang Jiang (Yangtze)                   5.8 90 521.7 33.6 8100
Ob                                          5.6 43.1 239.9 31 1857.6
Huang Ho (Yellow)                         4.7 5 23.3 21.8 25
Yenisei                                     4.5 60 270.4 20.3 3600
total= 40.6 402.4 1991.1 199.9 31444.2
mean= 4.5 44.7 221.2 22.2 3493.8
b=  10.49794348        
a= -2.540745655        
regression variance        
River y hat y hat sq      
Nile                                        67.79547565 4596.226519      
Zaire (Congo)                               43.65020565 1905.340453      
Niger                                       41.55061696 1726.453769      
Zambezi                                     25.80370174 665.8310234      
Orange                                      19.50493565 380.4425147      
Chang Jiang (Yangtze)                   58.34732652 3404.410512      
Ob                                          56.24773783 3163.808011      
Huang Ho (Yellow)                         46.7995887 2190.201502      
Yenisei                                     44.7 1998.09      
total 404.3995887 20030.80431      
s sq= 227.5549228        
sy sq 1495.71        
r sq= 0.152138398        


Quiz 8

Determine the correlation coefficient between a river’s length and its discharge. (15) marks
Test the significance of r. (5 marks)

River length discharge
Nile                                        6690 324
Zaire (Congo)                               4371 1250
Niger                                       4184 310
Zambezi                                     2736 150
Orange                                      2092 9
Chang Jiang (Yangtze)                   5797 900
Ob                                          5567 431
Huang Ho (Yellow)                         4667 50
Yenisei                                     4506 600

Extra Credit (2 marks)

What is the Spearman’s correlation coefficient for the above data?


x y xy x sq y sq  
River length discharge        
Nile                                        6690 324 2167560 44756100 104976  
Zaire (Congo)                               4371 1250 5463750 19105641 1562500  
Niger                                       4184 310 1297040 17505856 96100  
Zambezi                                     2736 150 410400 7485696 22500  
Orange                                      2092 9 18828 4376464 81  
Chang Jiang (Yangtze)                   5797 900 5217300 33605209 810000  
Ob                                          5567 431 2399377 30991489 185761  
Huang Ho (Yellow)                         4667 50 233350 21780889 2500  
Yenisei                                     4506 600 2703600 20304036 360000  
total 40610 4024 19911205 199911380 3144418  
mean 4512.222 447.1111        
sx= 1360.965          
sy= 386.6154          
r= 0.370396          
t= 1.055016          
x y x rank y rank d d sq
River length discharge        
Nile                                        6690 324 1 5 -4 16
Zaire (Congo)                               4371 1250 6 1 5 25
Niger                                       4184 310 7 6 1 1
Zambezi                                     2736 150 8 7 1 1
Orange                                      2092 9 9 9 0 0
Chang Jiang (Yangtze)                   5797 900 2 2 0 0
Ob                                          5567 431 3 4 -1 1
Huang Ho (Yellow)                         4667 50 4 8 -4 16
Yenisei                                     4506 600 5 3 2 4
        total 64
r= 0.466667        
t= 1.396017        

Quiz Seven

There are 4 neighbourhoods sampled with housing prices recorded in each. Determine if there is a difference in the mean housing price of homes in the neighbourhoods.
Provide the hypotheses and all relevant calculations. Use α=.05.

neighborhood price
1 175
1 147
1 138
1 156
1 184
1 148
2 151
2 183
2 174
2 181
2 193
2 205
2 196
3 127
3 142
3 124
3 150
3 180
4 174
4 182
4 210
4 191
House prices by Neighborhood          
Ho: There is no difference between the mean house prices by neighborhood  
H1: The is a difference in the mean prices by neighborhood    
df between=3 df within=18          
df=3,df=18 p.05=?, p.01=? reject the null      
neighborhood price x2     zone price  
1 175 30625     1 175  
1 147 21609 T= 3711 1 147  
1 138 19044 sum x sq 638941 1 138  
1 156 24336     1 156  
1 184 33856     1 184  
1 148 21904     1 148  
2 151 22801     sum sample 1 948 149784
2 183 33489     2 151  
2 174 30276     2 183  
2 181 32761     2 174  
2 193 37249     2 181  
2 205 42025     2 193  
2 196 38416     2 205  
3 127 16129     2 196  
3 142 20164     sum sample 2 1283 235155.6
3 124 15376     3 127  
3 150 22500     3 142  
3 180 32400     3 124  
4 174 30276     3 150  
4 182 33124     3 180  
4 210 44100     sum sample 3 723 104545.8
4 191 36481     4 174  
sum 3711 638941     4 182  
1/nT2   625978.2273     4 210  
SST= 12962.77       4 191  
        sum sample 4 757 143262.3
            sum Ti2= 632747.6
          SSR= 6769.394
SSE= 6193.379            
MSR= 2256.465            
MSE= 344.0766            
f=MSR/MSE 6.55803            



Quiz Six

Geography 301a, 2005

1. Complete the following table if it is known that there are 3 samples with sizes 5, 7 and 7 respectively. (10 points)

Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square Test Statistics
Treatments 23.45 2 11.725  
Error 100 16 6.25 F=1.88
Total 123.45 18    

What is your conclusion about differences between the means?
Critical value is 3.63 so we conclude there in no differences between the means

2. Analysis of variance results are not affected in each of the following cases, please explain why this is true in each case. (2 points each)

a) The same constant is added to every sample score.
Variance is a measure of spread of the data so adding a constant to each value will not change that
b) The order of the samples is changed.
The order of the samples isn’t used in the calculations so its irrelevant

3. What was the case study about in the significance test video? (4 points)

4. Circle the letter of the correct formula for straight line distance. (2 points)
equation b is correct

Quiz 5
Geography 301a, 2005

1. What is Simpson’s paradox? (4 marks)
The direction of an association can be reversed by a lurking variable

2. What product was tested in the video on t tests with the pairwise t test?(2 marks)
Nutrasweet in pop

3.Determine whether the point pattern in the map below is random or not (14 points).
Use a t-test.

cell count (xi) fi x sq fxsq fx fx sq/36
5 1 25 25 5  
4 1 16 16 4  
3 2 9 18 6  
2 2 4 8 4  
1 8 1 8 8  
sums 14   75 27 20.25
var= 1.564286   vmr= 2.085714  
mean= 0.75        
numerator 1.085714 4.541869 t value    
denominator 0.239046        

conclusion not random

Quiz 4
Geography 301a, 2005

1. A pair of cases is concordant if the value of each variable is larger (or smaller) for one case than for the other case.
Variable 1 Variable 2

Variable 1 Variable 2  
case 1 5   4
case 2 4   3
case 3 4   2

For each of the pairs of cases identify which are concordant if any , which are disconcordant if any and which are tied, if any. (3 marks)

cases 1,2 ____________
cases 1,3 ____________
cases 2,3____________
Case 1,2 is concordant
case 1,3 is concordant
case 2,3 is tied

2. Determine whether the 3 colored dice are fair using chi square (6 marks)
Using theory o-e sq o-e sq/e

Die/ Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Blue 10 15 30 30 15 20 120
Red 12 20 35 30 3 20 120
Green 17 17 21 20 26 19 120
Total 39 52 86 80 44 59 360
Using theory     o-e sq o-e sq/e
1 1 10 20 -10 100 5
1 2 15 20 -5 25 1.25
1 3 30 20 10 100 5
1 4 30 20 10 100 5
1 5 15 20 -5 25 1.25
1 6 20 20 0 0 0
2 1 12 20 -8 64 3.2
2 2 20 20 0 0 0
2 3 35 20 15 225 11.25
2 4 30 20 10 100 5
2 5 3 20 -17 289 14.45
2 6 20 20 0 0 0
3 1 17 20 -3 9 0.45
3 2 17 20 -3 9 0.45
3 3 21 20 1 1 0.05
3 4 20 20 0 0 0
3 5 26 20 6 36 1.8
3 6 19 20 -1 1 0.05
    360   chi sq= 54.2
  Using formula      
      o-e sq o-e sq/e
1 1 10 13 -3 9 0.692308
1 2 15 17.3 -2.3 5.29 0.30578
1 3 30 28.7 1.3 1.69 0.058885
1 4 30 26.7 3.3 10.89 0.407865
1 5 15 14.7 0.3 0.09 0.006122
1 6 20 19.7 0.3 0.09 0.004569
2 1 12 13 -1 1 0.076923
2 2 20 17.3 2.7 7.29 0.421387
2 3 35 28.7 6.3 39.69 1.382927
2 4 30 26.7 3.3 10.89 0.407865
2 5 3 14.7 -11.7 136.89 9.312245
2 6 20 19.7 0.3 0.09 0.004569
3 1 17 13 4 16 1.230769
3 2 17 17.3 -0.3 0.09 0.005202
3 3 21 28.7 -7.7 59.29 2.065854
3 4 20 26.7 -6.7 44.89 1.681273
3 5 26 14.7 11.3 127.69 8.686395
3 6 19 19.7 -0.7 0.49 0.024873
    360     26.77581

3. If there are 9 concordant pairs and 5 disconcordant pairs what is the value of Goodman & Kruskal’s Gamma? (4 marks)

4. Why is the use of a paired t-test preferable to a regular t-test when comparing the means of paired comparisons? (4 marks)
Since the same objects or persons are used in before and after much of the error is reduced since the characteristics of the items are help constant. The key was to talk about a reduction of error

5. What are the 3 types of t-tests?
1 sample, 2 sample, and paired

Quiz 3 Name_____________________________

1. Using the data from the last year’s class quizzes determine lambda. What can you conclude about the relationship between the 2 quizzes (14 marks)

E1 pick row 3 with value of 16, so error is 50-16=34
E2 col 1 pick row 4 with value of 4 so error is 9-4=5
E2 col 2 pick row 3 with value of 7 so error is 19-7=12
E2 col 3 pick row 2 with value of 7 so error is 17-7=10
E2 col 4 pick row 3 or row 4 with value of 2 so error is 5-2=3
sum of errors for E2 = 5+12+10+3=30

so lambda = (E1-E2)/E2=(34-30)/34=4/34=.12


    quiz 2  classes Total      
  4,5,6 7,8,9 10,11,12 13 and 14    
   quiz 1        classes 4,5,6 2 3 2 0 7
  7,8,9 0 4 7 1 12
  10,11,12 3 7 4 2 16
  13 and 14 4 5 4 2 15
  Total 9 19 17 5 50  

2. Of the 3 migration models presented in class, which of the distance, population and simplified gravity model predictions were not statistically different than the actual migration data?
All of them were statistically different so the answer is none.  (2 marks)

3. You throw a 6 sided die 120 times and you record the number of times you get each number.

The table of observed values is:

value 1 2 3 4 5 6
frequency 15 14 23 22 25 21

If you wanted to do a chi square test of the fairness of the die what would be your expected values? (4 marks)
20 for each value, so a uniform distribution

Quiz 2 Name_____________________________

1. What is the likely effect of increasing the number of categories in a chi-square test on the probability of finding a significant difference?
As you increase the number of categories it will become harder to find a difference. (3 marks)

2. If you have a mark that is exactly plus one standard deviation from the mean and the class has 150 students in it, how many students received a lower mark than you?(4 marks)
using the rule for a normal distribution we have 68% of students within 1 std dev. So 150*.68=102 students with scores within 1 std dev
since you are exactly plus one std dev you are the 51st student out from the mean
since the question asks only about lower there are all the students left of the mean or 75 students plus the 50 below you that are above the mean so there are 125 students who have a grade lower than you

3. Given the following data, which of the 2 samples has the greatest dispersion. You must support your decision by using the coefficient of variation. (3 marks)

Table 1    
Sample 1 Sample 2  
4.1 7.7  
5.3 6.7  
1.3 7  
2.5 7.8  
Mean= Mean=  
Std dev= Std dev=  
cv= cv=  
sample 1 sample 2  
4.1 7.7  
5.3 6.7  
1.3 7  
2.5 7.8  
3.3 7.3 means
1.758787 0.535413 std dev
cv cv  
0.532966 0.073344  

4. If we assume that sample 1 is our observed distribution and sample 2 is our expected distribution, is sample one significantly different that sample 2? (6 marks)


sample 1 sample 2 obs-exp (obs-exp)**2 /e  
4.1 7.7 -3.6 12.96 1.683117  
5.3 6.7 -1.4 1.96 0.292537  
1.3 7 -5.7 32.49 4.641429  
2.5 7.8 -5.3 28.09 3.601282  
      10.21836 chi sq
critical value with df=3 and p=,05=7.81 so it is statistically significant

5. What is the effect of indeterminacy in classification into categories when using chi-square? (3 marks)
It can create a situation where when forced to place all items into a set number of classes you can end up with a table that is not truly reflective of the data. The video gave the case of Mendel and how his results were thought by some to be too good to be true

6. Why is knowledge of the mean so important in defining a normal distribution?(1 marks)
Its one of the 2 parameters required to define it

Quiz 1: Geography 301a, 2005

1. What are the 3 steps in analysis that the video suggested?
1. Producing data
2. Describing data
3. Conclusion from data
(3 marks)

2. Name 6 of the case studies provided in the video.
ightning strikes
human growth hormone
Chesapeake Bay pollution
baseball players salaries
potato chips
heart attacks
space shuttle
Hispanic FBI agents
Salem witchcraft trials
Shakespeare’s poem
welfare mothers
children’s creativity
(6 marks)

3. Provide 2 of the 5 preconditions for statistics to be valuable.
1. Can only give answers if the data collection and the data collected allow such answers
2. User is aware the statistics is just another strategy for finding, patterns in the data
3. Statistics are based on certain assumptions If those assumptions are not true the technique can still be applied but significance tests must treated with caution
4. User is aware that techniques are mathematical models. Reality in all its complexity cannot be modeled in a useful way. Complex models may imitate reality but they will be equally complex and therefore not useful. Summarizing data in a complex way is not a step forward.
5. Data exploration needs to be done before any higher level modeling

(2 marks)

4. What is the preferred method for dealing with missing data?
Listwise deletion (1 mark)

5. What is the weighted mean of following numbers: (please remember false precision!).

datum weight
1.5         50
50.333     1
6.02         3
22.1         2

x w xw
1.5 50 75
50.333 1 50.333
6.02 3 18.06
22.1 2 44.2
sum 56 187.593
weighted mean= 3.349875  

weighted mean=3.35 (8 marks)