Winter 2005
Advanced Quantitative Mehtods Instructor: M.B. Green office: SSC 2415, phone: office 679-2111 x 85025, cell phone
870-9581 office hours: 4-5 pm, Tuesdays and by appointment Course description: Simple parametric and nonparametric statistical methods through multiple regression are introduced. Exploratory data analysis techniques are examined as a supplement to more traditional statistical methods. Geography specific techniques are also presented. Objectives: To provide knowledge regarding the nature of geographical data and the application of statistical techniques and computing systems to spatial analysis; models of spatial data, probability, distributions, hypothesis testing and correlations. What that means is that I want you to become comfortable with opening a medium level stats books and being able to follow the discussion of a technique well enough that you could apply it correctly. General information The course is quantitative. Computations will be performed manually, using calculators, and with computers. SPSS for Windows will be the main computer program used in the course. In addition to the instructor there is consultation help available in SSCL (consultant in room 1004, and demonstrator in room 1032) on use of microcomputers and SPSS for Windows . However, it is not within the consultants job description to help you with the labs themselves. Exercise your common sense when you seek out their advice. Be sure that you use these resources before you complain. Date Topic(s)
Recommended Textbooks: Geographic Measurement and Quantitative Analysis, Earickson and Harlan, 1994,
Maxwell Macmillan Canada Distribution of marks Participation 20%