Assessment Tools for the Elderly - Assessment Summary Sheet
Test: Taylor’s Manifest Anxiety Scale (TMAS) –
50 item version
Year: 1953
Domain: Psychological
Assessment Tool Category: Mental Health
Variations/Translations: 28-item abbreviation, Adult
Manifest Anxiety Scale, Children Manifest Anxiety Scale
Setting: Clinical
Method of Delivery: Psychiatrist
Description: Taylor’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
(TMAS) was originally developed as a device for selecting subjects
for inclusion in psychological experiments on stress, motivation,
and human performance. It has subsequently been used as a general
indicator of anxiety as a personality trait, it is not intended as
a specific measure of anxiety as a clinical entity. Taylor thought
that personality drive level would be reflected in the intensity
of “manifested anxiety”, and measured it using
true/false responses. Items judged by clinicians as being
indicative of manifest anxiety were selected from the Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory.
Scoring/Interpretation: True-false responses are used
for each item, and the replies indicating anxiety are counted,
giving a score from 0 to 50 with the higher the score representing
a higher level of anxiety. It is up to the discretion of the
psychiatrist to decide where they fit in the “manifest
anxiety” interpretation.
Time to Administer: 10-15 minutes
Availability: Available online for a fee (see below)
Software: N/A
Quantitative/Qualitative: Quantitative
Validity (Quantitative): Results of factor analytic
studies suggest that the TMAS has a broad and diffuse coverage,
including some dimensions that appear unrelated to anxiety such as
“general apprehension”, “perceived
self-effectiveness”, “lack of self confidence,”
and “social confidence”. Some scholars say that the
total score on the MA scale is a composite of dissimilar traits
and is therefore, not meaningful. When comparing the TMAS scores
with independent anxiety ratings made by nurses, the agreement was
weak and only significant if most patients with intermediate TMAS
scores were omitted from the analysis. Correlation between TMAS
scores and anxiety ratings made by psychiatrists was only 0.34.
TMAS scores did discriminate significantly between patients with
anxiety and a range of other diagnostic groups. Construct validity
has been widely studied. Correlations of 0.72 and 0.75 were
reported between the TMAS and Evsenck’s measure of
neuroticism in two samples; correlations with the psychoticism
scale were 0.26 and 0.21. High correlations of 0.81 and 0.92 were
reported between the TMAS and the Psychasthenia scale of the MMPI
and a low of 0.64 with the Beck Depression Inventory. Taylor
suggested that, when scores hold consequences for the respondent,
more intelligent people may bemore apt to fake good scores than
less intelligent respondent. Because Taylor’s original
theory held that anxiety might be related to certain physiological
measures, several studies have tested its validity in this way. No
association was found with heart rate or galvanic skin response.
Reliability (Quantitative): For the original 50-item
version, retest correlations of 0.89, 0.82, and 0.81 over
intervals of three weeks, five months and nine to 17 months.
Item-total correlations appear low: one study found only 20 of the
50 items to have item-total correlations about 0.4, another study
found only 16 questions. The range of item-total correlations is
wide: 0.01 to 0.70 in one study. Correlations may also vary by
ethnic group and educational level. Kuder-Richardson internal
consistency estimates were 0.78 and 0.84 in two samples, whereas
Bendig reported a median alpha of 0.82 in an unspecific number of
studies. A coefficient alpha of 0.70 was obtained from a sample of
graduate students.
Taylor, J.A. (1953). A personality scale of manifest anxiety. J
Abnorm Soc Psychol, 48, 285–290.
Zung, W.W.K. (1974). The measurement of affects: depression and
anxiety. Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry, 7, 170–188.
T aylor, J.A. (1951) The relationship of anxiety to the
conditioned eyelid response. J Exp Psychol, 41, 81–92.
Taylor, J.A. (1956). Drive theory and manifest anxiety. Psychol
Bull, 53, 303–320.
Kendall, E. (1954). The validity of Taylor’s Manifest
Anxiety Scale. J Consult Psychol, 18, 429–432.
Khan, S.B. (1970). Dimensions of manifest anxiety and their
relationship to college achievement. J Consult Clin Psychol, 35,
McDowell, I. & Newell, C. (1996). Measuring Health: A Guide
to Rating Scales and Questionnaires. (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford
University Press.
Comments: One of the earliest psychometric measures of