A new breed of superweed
Date accessed: 15 July 2000
An Alberta farmer's shuffling of herbicides
and crops had an unexpected result:
a plant that almost nothing could kill
Special to The Globe and Mail
Thursday, June 15, 2000
Calgary -- Tony Huether's family has been farming for four generations.
So two years ago, when he spotted stray
canola plants in a field on his
northern Alberta farm that he wanted to seed with wheat, he thought a
thorough spraying with herbicide would easily get rid of them. But after
thorough drenching in Roundup, an all-purpose weed killer developed by
the agricultural-chemical giant Monsanto Inc., the canola was still
standing tall.
The year before, Mr. Huether had sown Quest canola -- a genetically
modified variety, also developed by Monsanto, that was resistant to
Roundup. This meant he could plant the seed, and as it and other plants
and weeds started to sprout, he could
spray with Roundup and only the
canola would be left standing. In a field across the road he planted 20
acres of Innovator, a genetically modified canola engineered to tolerate
Aventi's Liberty herbicide. In a third field 400 metres away, he planted
third variety bred for resistance to Cynamid's Pursuit and Odyssey
As he prepared to seed fields with wheat in the spring of 1998, he
realized that the stray canola didn't die because it was likely the
Roundup-resistant type he had planted the year before. So he applied a
second chemical mix, but the stray canola was left
"I knew I had a real problem," Mr. Huether said from his farm
Sexsmith, about 400 kilometres west of Edmonton. "I just couldn't
how to get rid of the stuff."
Eventually he called in the crop specialists from Alberta Agriculture.
They took plant and seed samples. In a report released earlier this year,
provincial oil-seed specialist Phil Thomas confirmed that Mr. Huether's
stray canola was a new variety resistant to two common herbicides.
Seed from his fields produced canola that was resistant to three
used herbicides -- Roundup, Liberty and Pursuit. In three
years, Mr. Huether had unwittingly produced a super-herbicide-resistant
breed, the first documented case of gene stacking in canola occurring
without deliberate human intervention.
It was soon determined that 2,4-D -- a common herbicide in use since
1946 -- would kill off the super canola that had become a super weed.
Mr. Huether's super weeds served as a warning that while man can
successfully tinker with nature in the lab, nature cannot be disregarded
together. Genetically modified canola, which is now a major cash crop in
Canada, can easily outcross between varieties (rather than crossing
between two organisms of the same variety), whether they are genetically
modified through DNA manipulation or induced-mutation hybrids
produced through controlled breeding. Bees and other insects will carry
the sticky, heavy pollen from one plant to another. Wind also transports
the pollen and all the genetic modification it contains from one field to
another. Seeds from the new outcrossed varieties can be carried by
wind, animals, birds, humans and truck and tractor tires to other fields
where they can sprout, and their pollen can migrate to yet another type
of canola.
"This was anticipated," Mr. Thomas says. He has been studying
(a yellow-flowered edible oilseed once known as rapeseed) for 30 years
at Alberta Agriculture's Field Crop Development Centre in Lacombe.
"But if farmers manage their crops properly it won't become a
Since there are now six different canola systems, farmers need a lot of
management skills. Some varieties have been developed to produce a
canola low in fatty acid designed to appeal to health-conscious
consumers. Mutogenesis (controlled breeding) was used to develop
certain herbicide-resistant canola varieties. The latest is genetically
modified canola also designed to stand up to certain herbicides.
"Pollen from any of the above canola systems can outcross to any
canola plants, whether or not they are the same or of a different system.
In other words, the pollen of novel-trait herbicide-tolerant canola
can outcross to nearby non-herbicide-tolerant canola or canola with
other herbicide tolerances," Mr. Thomas says.
To avoid this, farmers must plant different varieties at least 175 metres
away from each other, know what their neighbours are planting and
rotate crops and herbicides. Mr. Thomas also points out that technically,
canola is not a weed, and since even the outcrossed GMO (genetically
modified organism) varieties can be easily eliminated with 2,4-D, there
no danger of it becoming an uncontrollable nuisance.
Nevertheless, the rapid outcrossing of GMO herbicide-resistant plants
raises serious questions for those concerned about the emergence
around the world of weeds that do not die no matter what herbicide is
applied. Herbicide-resistant weeds ruin crops, endanger food supplies
and ruin once-fertile land. According to a 1998 survey conducted by
Weedsmart, a herbicide-resistance research organization funded by the
Weed Science Society of America (http://www.weedscience.com) and
two industry-related groups -- the North America Herbicide-Resistance
Working Group and the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee, there
are now 216 herbicide-resistant weeds in 45 countries. Most of them
can be found in developed countries where the same herbicides have
been used for decades. The United States tops the list with 80 types of
herbicide-resistant weeds. Canada and Australia are
second with 32
each, and France is next with 30.
In Manitoba, for example, herbicide-resistant wild oats have become a
serious threat to crops. A recent University of Manitoba study found that
one field in four has herbicide-resistant wild oats. Seed samples
by the Manitoba Weed Supervisors' Association from
suspicious-looking weed patches found that of 204 samples tested, 163
showed resistance to wild-oat herbicides designed to kill them. If a
genetically modified herbicide-resistant variety of oats was introduced
into Manitoba, it would
soon outcross with its wild cousin and Manitoba
farmers would have an even bigger problem on their hands.
According to Weedsmart director Ian Heap, some Manitoba wild
mustard (a relative of canola)
has developed resistance to phenoxy
herbicides such as 2,4-D. But since wild mustard does not directly cross
with canola, it is unlikely, he says, that canola will develop resistance
"But it's very important that farmers not plant crops that can
with nearby herbicide-resistant weedy varieties," Dr. Heap adds.
"Farmers can also choose not to use GMO herbicide-resistant seeds if
there is a danger it will become an uncontrollable weed or outcross with
a wild relative." Mr. Heap also believes such companies as Monsanto
must provide evidence that their GMO products can be used with
minimal risk of creating unmanageable problems.
Craig Evans, general manager of biotechnology for Monsanto Canada,
says that "10 to 15 years" of research is conducted before GMO
products are put on the market.
"If farmers practice good agronomics, outcrossing of GMO canola
be an issue," he adds. "There are 20,000 farmers in Canada
Roundup Ready Canola, and we've had only a handful of cases of
unexpected canola volunteers [weeds]. That's a good record."
Mr. Thomas agrees that the canola outcrossing that occurred on Mr.
Huether's farm is a rare occurrence, and doesn't signal cause for alarm.
But at least two farmers remain unconvinced. "I've had my fill of
controlled by large companies," Mr. Huether says. "Monsanto led
us to
believe that this kind of thing wouldn't happen. There were no warnings
until they were made aware of what happened on my farm."
In Bruno, Sask., about 100 kilometres east of Saskatoon, canola farmer
Percy Schmeiser is going to fight it out with Monsanto in court. Two
years ago, when Roundup Ready canola appeared in one of his fields,
Monsanto accused him of using its patented seed without paying for it
and sued. Mr. Schmeiser fought back with a $10-million lawsuit of his
own in which he accused Monsanto of libel, trespass and contamination
his fields with Roundup Ready.
"I never put those plants on my land," he says. "The
question is where do
Monsanto's rights end and mine begin."
Mr. Huether's documented experience with GMO herbicide-resistant
canola will no doubt be of great interest to all as Monsanto's case
Mr. Schmeiser unfolds. The trial opened last week in Saskatoon.
The dangers of cross pollenation
Canola, along with other plants, can be genetically modified to be
resistant to specific herbicides. The farmer can then use this herbicide
eliminate all but the valuable canola. When pollenation occurs between
two plants, the traits of each are passed along.
The majority of pollen, containing genetic codes, is transferred between
plants by insects, a small
percentage is carried by the wind. Seeds from
new varieties are also carried by the wind as well as animals and birds.
Cross-pollenation can occur within the same or related species in several
ways. Pollen can be passed between any combination of GMO
herbicide resistant plants, naturally resistant plants and plants without
The results can vary from resistance where it was not expected to
super-resistant plants which become an uncontrollable nuisance.
The occurrence of herbicide resistant weeds
Australia 32
U.K 19
Belgium 15
Germany 15
Switzerland 14
Source: Herbicide Resistance Action Committee
29. GMOs