Australians hunt for Tonga's disease genes


Date accessed: 31 January 2001

Nature 30 November 2000

[ LONDON] An Australian biotechnology company has secured exclusive access to a possible genetic goldmine on the Pacific island of Tonga. In an agreement brokered by the International Diabetes Institute, Autogen has won the right to search for links to disease in the gene pool of the island's 108,000 residents.

Autogen's main interest is in finding links to diabetes and obesity, both of which are common on Tonga. The company hopes that the Polynesian island's long isolation, along with its good kinship records and preference for large families, will simplify the search for disease-related genes.

The firm has pledged to share the profits from any drugs or therapies that come out of the research with the people of Tonga.

Category: 16. Economics and Biotechnology