Avoiding Frankendrugs
Date accessed: 27 December 2000
December 2000 Volume 18 Number 12 p 1225 Peter A. Singer & Abdallah S. Daar Peter Singer is Sun Life Chair at the University of
Toronto, Joint Center for Bioethics, Toronto, ON, Canada M5G-1L4 and a
Canadian Institutes of Health research investigator (e-mail: peter.singer@utoronto.ca).
Abdallah Daar is a member of the Ethics Committee of the Human Genome
Organization and professor of surgery at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat
123, Sultanate of Oman. The future looks bright for health
biotechnology. However, a decade ago, the future also looked bright for
agricultural biotechnology. Since then, billions of dollars in profits and
share value have been lost, and the food security of billions of people
may have been set back. Deutsche Bank's 1999 report makes the point
directly: "Today, the term GMO has become a liability. We predict
that GMOs, once perceived as the driver of the bull case for this sector,
will now be perceived as a pariah."1
Is such a reversal of fortune possible in health care biotechnology, and
what might be done to prevent it? Some will dismiss the proposition,
arguing that genetically engineered drugs, like recombinant human insulin,
have been used without controversy, or that, for life-saving drugs at
least, the public clearly perceives that their benefits far outweigh any
risks. However, for many drugs that are principally preventative (as is
likely for many of those developed from genomics), people may eschew
statistical benefits because of perceived risks. This may also be the case
for vaccines: In October, the United Kingdom's chief medical officer
described the BSE-derived risk associated with an oral polio vaccine as
"incalculably small," but the UK government nevertheless felt
obliged to recall it2. |
One lesson those in health care
biotechnology must learn from agriculture is that research and development
needs to take a global view. "Designer" tomatoes do not generate
the same level of public support as rice enriched with pro-vitamin A or
iron. Similarly, post-genomic wrinkle creams or hair tonics may sell, but
a focus of biotechnology on malaria drugs, for example, would generate
stronger public support. We recognize that biotechnology companies cannot
concentrate on products for which there is no market (as defined by
investors and shareholders). However, there are constructive ways of
taking a global view. As more developing countries join the World Trade
Organization, company thinking should begin to encompass a market of 6
billion people (albeit with smaller unit profit margins) rather than of
600 million people in the United States and Europe. Drug donation
programs, such as Merck's gift of Mectizan to treat "river
address global health needs and improve corporate public relations into
the bargain. The proposed vaccine purchase fund is designed to assure
pharmaceutical firms of a market if they develop vaccines for
tuberculosis, malaria, or AIDS.4 Another major lesson from genetically
modified foods is the need to take public perception of risk seriously. As
Sagar et al.5
noted, "Recent public protests against GM foods are indicative of a
divide between expert and lay perceptions of risk and uncertainty. .
.Public risk perception is influenced as much by social relations and
feelings of power and powerlessness as by objective knowledge about the
likelihood of large-scale accidents or individual harm." A dismissive attitude toward risk and
risk perception on the part of the scientific or corporate communities was
not effective in agricultural biotechnology and will not be so in health
biotechnology. Proponents of health biotechnology will need to develop
better methods of public engagement and address seriously even
hypothetical public health risks. The market is the loudest voice the
public has, but this comes into play only after a product has been
developed. Referenda on biotechnology, such as that in Switzerland in
1998, can elicit public opinion early, but they suffer from lack of nuance
and perhaps insufficient public education and deliberation. The public is
not properly engaged unless it can address issues in a balanced manner,
mindful, for instance, that biotechnology has the potential to benefit
people around the world—billions of whom have virtually no resources
devoted to health research on the diseases that afflict them. |
Numerous innovative methods of public
engagement stop short of national referenda: theatrical productions,
philosophy cafes, consensus conferences, citizen's juries, citizen's
advisory committees, global panels of public opinion leaders, and
Internet-based real-time public opinion surveys. The need to engage the
public on xenotransplantation6,
for instance, has led to a Web-based World Health Organization (WHO,
Geneva) electronic discussion group7.
Health Canada is about to launch a large-scale public engagement exercise
before it decides its xenotransplant policy8.
Many of the remedies for the ills lie
in the hands of industry. The former chief executive of Monsanto (St.
Louis, MO), took a long time to reach the stage of dialogue with
Greenpeace, and Monsanto only agreed to stop exploitation of the
"terminator seed" technology after the reasoned intervention of
the president of the Rockefeller Foundation. More recently, however,
Monsanto agreed to offer royalty-free licenses to its technology for
producing "golden rice" enriched with pro-vitamin A.
Pharmaceutical firms will need to recognize that no matter how good their
technology or marketing strategies, attention to social and ethical issues
are crucial to their bottom line. They will also need to make it
practicable to license intellectual property where that is justified both
commercially and ethically. At the same time, academic scientists, social
scientists, and ethicists need to accept industry as a legitimate
stakeholder with which to engage in constructive dialogue. We think that there is a role for
international organizations and foundations to establish forums, networks,
and other platforms where stakeholders can come together. WHO has begun
the process by drafting guiding principles for the future of medical
genetics and biotechnology8.
Pharmaceutical companies and their industry associations, among others,
responded to the call for inputs. Governments need to be involved, too, in
facilitating and rewarding the stakeholders' efforts by creating a stable
regulatory environment for the health biotechnology industry. A model for
such a "global public dialogue"9
is being developed at the University of Toronto. The results of sustained
deliberations in such forums would inform best practices in industry,
nongovernmental organizations, and international organizations. We need to mitigate the risk of
Frankendrugs fiasco by learning the lessons of the Frankenfoods
experience, and acting on them. Billions of dollars and the health of
billions around the world may depend on it. |
Category: 4. Ethical and Social Concerns Arising out of Biotechnology, 16. Economics and Biotechnology