British public doubts genetics rules


Date accessed: 31 January 2001

Nature 30 November 2000

[LONDON ] Nearly three-quarters of British people think that government regulation has not kept up with human genetics research, according to a survey released last Monday by the UK Human Genetics Commission.

Almost a third of those surveyed by MORI (Market & Opinion Research International) believe that "genetic research is tampering with nature and is therefore unethical". But 90% of the respondents expect that human genetics research will result in cures for many diseases, and 70% believe that it will lead to healthier babies.

Support for taking DNA samples from suspects of violent crime was almost unanimous, but less than half of those interviewed were comfortable with applying this in cases of drink–driving or fraud. Only 8% thought genetic test results should be used for setting insurance premiums.

Category: 4. Ethical and Social Concerns Arising out of Biotechnology, 39. General Issue About Scientific Research