Cloned Pigs Seen as Advance Toward Human Replacement Organs


Date accessed: 23 August 2000

August 18, 2000



                 WASHINGTON -- The cloned

                 barnyard has a new resident: the

          pig, a creature researchers say holds

          promise for growing organs to replace ailing

          hearts, livers and kidneys in humans.


          A team led by Japanese and American

          researchers announced in the journal

          Science that a single piglet had been cloned.

          Separately, a Scottish company said it had

          cloned a litter of five pigs.


          "Pigs have an enormous potential for" transplanting organs to humans,

          said Tony Perry, a Rockefeller University researcher and co-author of

          the Science study. "This is a breakthrough toward that goal."


          The pig, he said, is considered the best species to use for growing organs

          to replace ailing hearts, livers and kidneys in humans.


          "The pig organs roughly match the size of human adult organs," Perry

          said. "They also are amiable to transplant surgery."


          Work on the litter of pigs cloned by PPL Therapeutics Inc. of Scotland

          involved some of the same researchers who cloned a sheep called Dolly.

          That was the first use of cells from an adult mammal to clone another



          The PPL success was reported in a study released electronically

          Wednesday by the peer-reviewed British scientific journal Nature, five

          months after the researchers made public their work in the popular press.


          In the Science report, researchers said they cloned a single piglet, named

          Xena, from the skin cells of a pig fetal.


          They removed the nucleus, which contains DNA, and injected it into a

          pig egg from which the nucleus had been removed. An electrical pulse

          stimulated the egg to grow into an embryo, which was transplanted into a

          surrogate mother.


          The researchers said four sows were transplanted with a total of 110

          embryos. Xena was the only healthy animal produced.


          Perry's co-authors were scientists at the National Institute of Animal

          Industry in Tusukuba, Japan, and the Prima Meatpackers in Tsuchiura,



          The Scottish company researchers began with cells from an adult animal

          and cycled the transplanted nucleus through two different pig eggs.


          Since Dolly's birth in 1997, research teams have used similar techniques

          to clone goats and cows. Dolly and some of the cloned cows have given

          birth to normal offspring.


          Perry said swine have proved harder to clone.


          "People have been trying since 1986," he said. "It has been an elusive

          species, but one that people have really wanted to succeed with."


          Michael D. Bishop, president of Infigen Inc. of DeForest, Wis., a cloning

          research company that has cloned more than 100 cows, said the

          announcement by Perry and his co-authors is a "real breakthrough"

          because it showed that problems with pig cloning have been solved.


          Before pigs can be used to grow organs for human transplant, Perry said

          scientists must overcome several problems, chief of which is the human

          body's rejection of the transplant. Cross-species transplants, he said, are

          usually "rejected within minutes."


          "It will be necessary to modify the genes of the pig so that the

          transplanted organs will not be rejected," Perry said. "This would make

          the organ invisible so that the host immune system will not recognize the

          organ as foreign."


          It may take several generations of clones and "many years" to weed out

          the genes that cause rejection, Perry said.


          Some researchers are concerned that using pig organs for transplantation

          could cause humans to contract some unusual swine viruses. These

          viruses have been infecting pigs for thousands of generations and now are

          part of the swine genes, passed along from parents to offspring.


          Another study in Nature showed that mice receiving pig tissue transplants

          did become infected with a swine virus.

Category: 30. Xenotransplantation