Consent and privacy in pharmacogenetic testing


Date accessed: 9 October 2001 




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Consent and privacy in pharmacogenetic testing

John A. Robertson

School of Law, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78705 USA.
Correspondence should be addressed to J A Robertson. e-mail:


The clinical use of pharmacogenetic drugs will require that a sample of a patient's DNA be tested before a drug is prescribed. Although pharmacogenetic tests pose fewer risks than genetic tests for disease mutations, they might still reveal personal information that could be used adversely to a patient's interests. Informed consent and privacy of pharmacogenetic test results may be essential in most clinical uses of pharmacogenetic drugs.

The benefits of genetics-based medicine depend on a better understanding of the genetic causes of disease and on applying those insights in clinical practice. Clinical applications of genetic knowledge often require testing of a patient's DNA to identify disease-related mutations or other polymorphisms that have clinical relevance. Genetic testing, however, raises ethical, legal and social issues that need attention in order to realize the benefits of genomic knowledge.

Most ethicists now agree that genetic testing for late-onset diseases as well as, susceptibility, presymptomatic and carrier testing, should take place only after the person to be tested has given informed consent to the risks and benefits of the test, and has received genetic counseling appropriate for that test1-3.This ethical consensus flows from the importance and sensitivity of the resultant information, and the difficulty that even educated laypersons have in understanding the probabilistic nature of test results. A person's knowledge of variations in his genotype may radically change his self-image and his life and reproductive plans. If preventive or ameliorative action is possible at all, it may be highly intrusive and not covered by health insurance. If other persons become aware of the information, they might stigmatize the person or use it adversely in insurance and employment decisions.



Pharmacogenetics (PGx), which is now a central focus of pharmaceutical endeavor and on the near horizon of clinical practice, aims to identify genome-wide polymorphisms or mutations that will reliably predict an individual's response to drugs before they are prescribed. Used clinically, PGx information could identify nonresponders and those likely to suffer adverse drug reactions, and thus save them the burden of unsafe or ineffective drugs. In addition, PGx information can identify new drug targets and streamline the drug-testing and approval processes. Although the field is still too new to project medical or economic effects with certainty, some in the pharmaceutical industry have argued that, ultimately, the cost savings from unnecessary or harmful drug prescriptions may more than outweigh the increased costs of developing pharmacogenetic agents for smaller subgroups of the population4.

If PGx is to become an effective tool of clinical practice, however, it too will require genetic testing of individuals. Although some PGx testing will identify disease mutations, most PGx testing will identify single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in an individual that can be compared to known SNP profiles for drug or disease outcomes. It has been suggested that such tests are different from other genetic tests because their intent is not specifically to determine or predict risk of disease4. Accordingly, they should not be subject to the same informed consent, genetic counseling, and regulatory requirements that apply to mutational disease testing. Indeed, applying those standards to PGx testing could block the easy integration of PGx into clinical practice, thus depriving patients and the health care system of the great benefits that PGx testing potentially makes possible4. (See editorial5 on page 195 for further discussion of the balance between privacy and facilitating medical research.)

Although PGx tests based on SNP comparisons will convey different information than mutational testing, and thus may not be quite as fraught with medical, social or personal significance, SNP-based PGx tests may still affect a person's image of his future or be used adversely against him. Even if genetic counseling is not required before PGx tests are given, clinicians should still inform patients of the risks and benefits of those tests, obtain their consent (before testing), and ensure them that they have taken adequate measures to assure the privacy of test results (Box 1). The absence of such protections could affect the willingness of persons to be tested and the ready integration of PGx testing into clinical practice.



The risks of pharmacogenetic testing
The risks of PGx testing are a function of the information that is obtained and the way in which it could be used. PGx testing based on noncoding SNP profiles will not directly identify disease-related mutations, but could predict future medical outcomes in ways of great importance to the person tested or to others. A PGx test administered before a drug is prescribed could identify SNPs that indicate whether the person tested will be able to absorb, distribute or excrete the drug in ways likely to produce a beneficial effect without adverse reactions. If so, he may then qualify for a drug that offers a good chance of therapeutic effect without adverse consequences. If not, there may not be an equally good drug or other therapy available, thus indicating that the patient has a disease that cannot be treated at present. Depending on the disease, this information could be highly predictive of that person's future, and as such, could be of interest to insurers and employers.

A PGx test showing that someone is unable to metabolize a drug by a given pathway may also be informative about that person's ability to metabolize other drugs, and thus indicate the likelihood that physicians can effectively treat the person with drugs for other diseases. Although the frequency of such collateral information about other drug responses is unknown, many drugs may share common metabolic pathways. If such cases occur, physicians and insurers may attach the label of 'nonresponder', derived from a PGx test for one drug, to an individual more generally (A. Buchanan et al., manuscript submitted). This label could affect the patient's perception of self, her future medical care, and her ability to obtain insurance or employment.

In some cases, the PGx test might identify polymorphisms in coding regions that are themselves mutations that indicate the likelihood of other diseases or of progression of his present disease. PGx test results may also indicate that family members carry a high risk of having the same SNPs and thus have the same PGx limitations. Some PGx tests, when combined with SNP-related PGx tests of offspring, might also lead to unintended revelations of non-paternity.

In short, although generally not as important as mutational disease testing, PGx tests may reveal information that has medical, personal, social and family consequences. It is unknown at present how often PGx tests will have such effects, but the chance is sufficiently great to warrant attention now. To treat patients fairly, reassure the public, and encourage patients to undergo PGx testing, providers and policymakers should pay careful attention to issues of informed consent and protection of the privacy and confidentiality of PGx test information.



Informed consent
PGx-based medicine will require patients to provide a DNA sample and permit testing before prescription of a drug. Physicians could obtain DNA from a simple buccal swab or from a previously provided blood or tissue sample. General ethical and legal norms require that a patient's informed consent be obtained before a sample is provided and tested. To this end, clinicians should inform patients of what the PGx test will uncover, the risks and benefits of the information sought, whether they will store or discard the DNA sample and how they will maintain the privacy of the sample and test results. If they intend to store the DNA sample, the health care provider should also discuss whether the patient consents to future PGx tests on the same DNA sample or will be contacted for consent to additional tests.

Although it is important to convey this information in an understandable form, the consent process need not be elaborate or unduly burdensome. An oral explanation of the "need to get some DNA to tell whether we can prescribe a drug," and reassurance that the provider will protect the privacy of the results, might suffice, with more elaborate discussion as needed. In addition to oral communications, much 'informing' may occur through brochures or forms written to be easily understood by patients. As PGx tests become integrated into clinical practice, patients will better understand the function of PGx testing in their consultation with a physician.

Providers should request that patients sign a consent form before obtaining and testing DNA from a patient, a practice now common for many clinical laboratory tests. The genetic counseling widely recommended for genetic testing of late onset, susceptibility, and carrier conditions should not ordinarily be necessary for most PGx tests. However, physicians, hospitals and other health care providers should be prepared to inform patients of the importance of not qualifying for a drug based on results of PGx testing, and counsel them accordingly. Pharmacists may also be involved in educating patients and in assuring that PGx testing has occurred or been offered to patients.

An important policy issue is whether a patient who has not satisfied the PGx indications for prescription of a drug may still receive it. Some patients may refuse a PGx test. In other situations, testing equipment or facilities may be unavailable. Still other patients who do undergo the PGx test may not qualify for prescription of the drug according to the terms of Food and Drug Administration or regulatory approval. In many of these cases, the physician may still think that the drug is the best course for the patient, or the patient may independently request the drug, despite the risk of adverse reactions or low efficacy. An important policy question is whether existing practices that allow off-label use of drugs will carry over to off-label use of PGx-based drugs, and whether health insurers and drug benefit plans will cover 'off-label' use6. If so, physicians should fully inform patients of the risks of taking a drug that has not been approved for someone with his PGx profile and the availability of alternative treatments.



Privacy and confidentiality
PGx carried out before a drug is prescribed differ in important respects from other genetic tests, but they still contain private information that providers should not disclose to others without that person's consent. Ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of DNA samples and test results is also essential to reassure patients that undergoing PGx tests essential to their health care will not adversely affect them in other ways.

One way to reassure the public is to enact laws that protect the privacy of DNA samples and information resulting from them (Box 1). Most states do not have specific protection for a person's ownership or control over DNA samples, although every state does protect to some extent against the unauthorized disclosure of some medical information7. Such protections would almost certainly apply to the results of PGx testing contained in medical or hospital records, even if they did not extend to the DNA samples themselves. The scope of legal protection varies widely, however, and legal restrictions may not directly apply to many holders of medical and genetic information8. Federal privacy regulations issued under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 at the end of the Clinton administration, which President Bush has accepted with a few exceptions, would greatly extend the legal protection against unauthorized disclosure of medical information9, 10. Those regulations define"individually identifiable health information" broadly enough to cover the results of PGx testing, thus providing a more extensive protection of privacy for genetic tests than now exists in most state laws.

In addition to explicit legal protection of DNA samples and PGx test results, it would also be useful if health care providers were to develop secure methods of deriving and storing PGx test information (Box 1). One technique would be to create effective 'firewalls' between genetic data and unauthorized users, for example, by having the results of PGx tests in the medical record only with regard to whether a particular drug might be prescribed, rather than including the patient's actual SNP or genetic profile (A. Buchanan et al., manuscript submitted). Although privacy 'firewalls' would not protect against disclosure of medical information requested by insurers and employers, they could be effective against unauthorized disclosures beyond the control of the patient or physician.



A second technique would be to use trusted intermediaries as repositories of genetic information or DNA samples11. These intermediaries would release genetic information about a person only when that person specifically requested it. Although not necessary for every PGx test or interaction, privacy intermediaries may become important in ensuring the privacy of genetic information in research settings, in clinical settings in which multiple tests are run on the same DNA sample, or whenever full genetic profiles on individual patients are obtained. As PGx tests and uses develop, providers and policymakers should consider how to structure and use privacy 'firewalls' and intermediary holders of genetic information to protect privacy. These devices are essential components in reassuring the public that a PGx test will not lead to violation of their privacy or to other adverse consequences.

Finally, policymakers should consider enacting laws that protect a person against insurers, employers or other persons using the results of PGx tests adversely to that person's interests. Such laws would not protect people generally against the use of genetic information in insurance and employment, but they would protect against adverse use of PGx test results. This protection would encourage patients to obtain PGx tests in connection with their clinical care, even if similar protection against the use of mutational test results were not also provided.

Whereas pharmacogenetic design and testing of drugs has the potential to greatly increase the range, safety and efficacy of prescription drugs, researchers and providers must overcome considerable scientific and clinical barriers to realize that potential. The clinical use of PGx, moreover, will require that a sample of a patient's DNA be obtained and tested before a drug is prescribed. Because PGx tests do not directly identify disease-related mutations as genetic tests for late-onset, susceptibility or carrier conditions do, they may often have less medical, social and personal significance than do mutational tests. PGx tests, however, might in some cases still reveal information that is personally significant and is subject to uses adverse to a patient's interests. As a result, in most cases physicians should obtain a patient's informed consent before taking his DNA and testing it, and protect the privacy and confidentiality of DNA samples and the information resulting from PGx tests. Proper attention to informed consent and the privacy of PGx test samples and results is essential for the smooth assimilation of PGx into clinical practice.

Received 13 April 2001; Accepted 25 May 2001.




  1. Andrews, L.B., Fullerton, J.E., Holtzman, N.A. & Motulsky, A.G. Assessing Genetic Risks: Implications for Health and Social Policy (National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1994).
  2. Holtzman, N.A. & Watson, M.S. Promoting Safe and Effective Genetic Testing in the United States: Final Report of the Task Force on Genetic Testing 180 (NIH-DOE Working Group on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genome Research, Task Force on Genetic Testing, Washington, DC, 1997).
  3. Secretary's Advisory Commission on Genetic Testing. Final Report, Enhancing the Oversight of Genetic Tests (2000).
  4. Roses, A.D. Pharmacogenetics and the practice of medicine. Nature 405, 857-865 (2000). | Article | PubMed | ISI |
  5. Editorial. Nature Genet. 28, 195-196 (2001). | Article | PubMed |
  6. Torres A. The use of Food and Drug Administration-approved medications for unlabeled (off-label) uses. The legal and ethical implications. Arch. Dermatol. 130, 32-36 (1994). | PubMed | ISI |
  7. Jaffee v. Redmond , 116 S.Ct. 1923 (1996).
  8. Institute for Health Care Research and Policy, Georgetown University. Health Policy Project, The State of Health Privacy: an Uneven Terrain (July 1999).
  9. Department of Health and Human Services. Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information. Federal Register 65, 82462 (28 December 2000). | PubMed |
  10. Pear R. Bush accepts rule to protect privacy of medical records. New York Times, A1 (13 April 2001).
  11. Marshall E. Company plans to bank human DNA profiles. Science 291, 57 (2001). | Article | PubMed |




The author acknowledges discussions with B. Wilfond and C. Freund, and with his colleagues in the Pharmacogenetics Consortium (A. Buchanan, B. Brody, A. Califano, E. McPherson and J. Kahn), a project of The University of Arizona funded by GlaxoSmithKline, First Genetic Trust and IBM.



Categories: 48. Privacy, 59. Genetic Testing