URL: http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v408/n6811/full/408393a0_fs.html
Date accessed: 31 January 2001
ALISON ABBOTT [MUNICH] Brussels bureaucrats can be flexible when it
matters. The European Union's (EU) research commission last week announced
changes to the Quality of Life component of its fifth Framework programme of
research — which is usually thought to be set in stone. The changes mean
increased support for genomics resource centres and large-scale genomics
Many EU member states, fearful of long-term commitments, want the Framework
programme to fund only research at such facilities, and not their core
activities. This recently threw the centres into financial crisis (see Nature
405, 723; 2000). But the commission has now earmarked an extra 25 million euros (US$21
million) for "genomic and proteomic databases and repositories of suitable
animal models". The money is being raised by an internal 1% levy on other
parts of the Quality of Life programme. A rule preventing the support of routine operational costs still holds, as
the commission cannot change the legal basis of the Framework programme. But it
will be more open-minded in its definition of what can be funded. For example,
centres have been informally assured that the expansion of databases and
repositories will be eligible. "There is no question that the extra money is good news," says
Graham Cameron, joint head of the EBI. But some researchers are nervous that
eligibility depends on how reviewers interpret the rule. The commission has also shuffled Quality of Life funds to create a pot of 30
million euros for "integrated projects", large initiatives
incorporating research, networks and training. A call for ideas in functional
genomics for human health has been issued, and the commission will make a
preselection before summer. There will then be a second call for proposals in five chosen research areas,
and three integrated projects will be funded. Contracts are unlikely to be
signed before February 2002. The impetus behind these changes comes from two directions. First, the
commission wants to show its willingness to support functional genomics on a
large scale, using ideas generated by the research community. Second, it hopes
to test out a mechanism it would like to see operate in the sixth Framework
programme. This will most probably abandon the funding of individual projects,
and will focus instead on large-scale programmes similar to the integrated
projects (Nature
407, 433; 2000). The response from the scientific community has been generally positive.
"It sounds wonderful," says Hans Lehrach, a director of the Max Planck
Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin and a spokesman for the German Human
Genome Project. "But it seems a slow procedure — in the meantime a
post-genomic Celera-2 could have come in and swept away all the rewards." "Big projects are important," says Joel Bockaert, head of the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique's Laboratory of Cellular and
Molecular Physiology in Montpellier. But, he says, each integrated project would
need a research manager, and these are in short supply across Europe.
The move is a response to complaints from scientists that EU research money is
spread too thinly and that the work involved in applying is disproportionate to
the low success rate and limited financial returns. They also claim that it
fails to support resource centres which they believe are vital to post-genomics
research in Europe. Such facilities include the European Bioinformatics
Institute (EBI) near Cambridge and the European Mouse Mutant Archive in Rome.
Category: 32. Genome Project