Farmer to destroy canola crop


Date accessed: 15 July 2000

                      Compiled by COLIN HASKIN; Sources: Wire Services (Globe and Mail).

                     Thursday, June 15, 2000


                     A British farmer plans to destroy a crop of canola which may contain

                     genetically modified plants not approved for sale in Europe. Charles

                     Szabo is one of nearly 500 British farmers who planted canola using

                     seed sold by Advanta Seeds UK, a joint venture between

                     Anglo-Swedish group AstraZeneca Plc and the Dutch co-operative

                     Cosun. "The problem is that 1 per cent of Advanta's seeds were

                     contaminated," says Mr. Szabo, who manages a branch of the Bishop

                     Burton agricultural college in North Lincolnshire. "Advanta found out

                     about the contamination after they had supplied the seeds. And they

                     don't know which 1 per cent it is, so we have to destroy the whole

                     crop." Mr. Szabo says he will have to wait until the end of June to

                     destroy his 35 tonnes of canola if he wishes to qualify for a European

                     Union subsidy. The British government has advised the farmers to

                     destroy GM-tainted crops, but declined to pay compensation.

Category: 29. GMOs