Finding common cause in the patent debate


Nature Biotech, November 2000 Volume 18 Number 11 pp 1217 - 1218

E. Richard Gold

E. Richard Gold is on the faculty of law at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada N6A 3K7 (e-mail: 


                  To move the biotechnology patent debate forward, the

                  first step is to establish clear goals for both industry and

                  civil society.


                  The biotechnology industry and its critics in civil society

                  continue to argue past each other about the benefits and

                  disadvantages of biotech patenting. However, both sides

                  overstate their case. Biotech patents, while important, need not

                  always be as strong as industry claims. The critics also overplay

                  the role of patents in threatening the environment and human

                  health, while ignoring some of the benefits.


                  From feeding the world at low cost and with increased

                  environmental safety1 to causing severe environmental harm2, it

                  is difficult for the outsider to reconcile the claims that the biotech

                  industry and civil society make about biotechnology. Outsiders

                  are not the only ones with this problem: both industry and civil

                  society more often talk past one another than with each other.


                  The failure of those interested in biotechnology policy to engage

                  in public debate—as opposed to behind-the-scenes

                  discussions3—is nowhere more evident than with respect to the

                  question of biotechnology patents4. Industry continues to insist

                  that strong and broad patents are essential for it to attract

                  investors and develop new drugs and better foods5. Members

                  of civil society argue that patents only serve to develop

                  corporate profit and do nothing to address health and

                  agricultural concerns2, 6.


                  As a result, both sides lose. Despite over a decade of debate

                  and the adoption of policy statements and statements of

                  principle, the critics must face the reality that human genetic

                  patents are routine and that the major Western countries grant

                  patents over plants and animals. The biotechnology industry has

                  little to cheer about, however. Despite its success in gaining

                  patent protection over genetic material and higher life forms,

                  these patents may be worth less than they appear at first. First,

                  many of the patents currently issued may not ultimately stand up

                  against challenge. In fact, in the United States, between 1982

                  and 1994, courts invalidated approximately one third of

                  challenged patents7. In addition, the standards that patent

                  offices and courts apply to biotechnology patents are evolving5,

                  8. Second, if patent offices continue to issue broad biotech

                  patents or too many of them, the value of each issued patent

                  may actually decrease9. Third, a valid patent does not ensure

                  successful commercial exploitation, especially when the

                  technology is open to as much public criticism as is



                  It is time to move the biotech patent debate forward. In this, the

                  first of two articles, I examine where both industry and its critics

                  have room to compromise to reach a consensus. Next month, I

                  will introduce some promising avenues to attain that



                  Deconstructing the opposing positions

                  There are three central planks to industry's call for strong patent

                  rights. The first is that industry has a leading role to play in

                  biotechnological development; otherwise, why worry about it?

                  The second is that strong patents are required to provide

                  industry with the incentive necessary for it to achieve this

                  progress. The third is that the type of progress that patents

                  encourage is the type that best attains society's health and

                  agricultural needs.


                  Industry credits two developments for ushering in the biotech

                  boom: in 1980, the US Supreme Court allowed the first patent

                  of a genetically modified organism10, and Congress passed the

                  Bayh-Dole Act11, providing universities the right to gain patents

                  in the results of federally funded research. The reality is that

                  industry only became interested in genetics once governments,

                  universities, and not-for-profit research centers had spent

                  decades developing the technology to the point that it could be

                  turned into products that could be commercialized12. Although

                  not coincidental, the Chakrabarty decision and the Bayh-Dole

                  Act did not cause the biotech revolution of the 1980s and

                  1990s; rather, all three phenomena likely arose out of the fact

                  that biotechnological science had reached its age of maturity by



                  This reality of the timing of industry involvement in biotechnology

                  tells us two things about its importance. First, industry plays a

                  relatively small role in advancing basic scientific knowledge;

                  only the public sector can support the labor-intensive and

                  time-consuming effort to create new knowledge12. Second,

                  once the public sector has advanced knowledge sufficiently to

                  lead to commercial products, the private sector will develop and

                  market those products.


                  The role of patents

                  Industry claims that patents are necessary to promote research.

                  They reason that by preventing competition during the patent

                  term (generally up to 20 years), they permit the holder to extract

                  the maximum return from the public for use of the invention. In

                  exchange, however, the company must disclose details of the

                  invention. Thus, in return for its payment of monopoly prices, the

                  public receives the knowledge contained in the invention, with

                  which other researchers can develop new inventions.


                  There are several problems with this model as it applies to

                  biotechnology. First, it assumes a one-size-fits-all approach to

                  technology; that is, all inventions, no matter how difficult or

                  expensive they are to develop, receive the same 20-year

                  monopoly. Pharmaceutical end-products, such as new drugs,

                  take many years and vast amounts of money to bring to market

                  because of health-related regulatory approval. On the other

                  hand, some inventions—such as research tools based on the

                  isolation of specific genetic sequences, cells, or tissues—may

                  take little time to develop and market, and more importantly, do

                  not go through the same strenuous regulatory review as do

                  drugs. This makes a significant difference in the cost of their



                  Industry has sometimes been careless in drawing distinctions

                  between these two types of inventions5. Given that a patent

                  allows its holder to prevent anyone else from using the

                  invention, a patent right over a research tool affects a vast

                  amount of research. Unlike patents over end-products that have

                  limited spill-over effects on research activities, patents over

                  research tools have a potentially dramatic effect: they could

                  potentially stifle further R&D. This problem has been dubbed the

                  tragedy of the anticommons16.


                  Third, while the purpose of patents is to encourage industry to

                  invest in R&D, in certain industries patents may actually

                  discourage investment. Patents play an important but limited

                  role in promoting investment in mature technologies where

                  innovation is regular and stable17, 18. However, strong patents

                  undermine investment in technologies in their formative

                  stages14 or in which there is a fast pace of innovation9—both

                  characteristic of the biotech industry.


                  Patents can deter innovation in one of two ways: through the

                  grant of broad patent rights in an emerging field, and through

                  the grant of a large number of patents in a highly active

                  scientific field. Because the biotech industry is young, patents

                  often tend to be quite broad. While the inventor is well

                  compensated, others in the field are less well off, because in

                  the universe of inventions to be made in that field, whole

                  categories of invention will be covered by patents, deterring

                  further research—and thus, investment— in an emerging area.


                  The grant of a large number of patents in an active scientific

                  field reduces levels of innovation in two ways. First, the

                  existence of a larger number of patents makes it more unlikely

                  that a new inventor will succeed in getting a patent, since the

                  patent space is already more filled. Second, the value of each

                  patent falls as the number of patents grows. There are two

                  reasons for this. First, when potential researchers must buy

                  rights to a large number of patents, they will be willing to pay

                  less per patent than if there were only a small number of

                  patents. Second, in those industries with a fast pace of

                  innovation, competitors leap-frog each other by borrowing

                  ideas from one another. Patents deter this process, limiting the

                  ability of innovators to reach the next plateau of innovation.


                  The last plank in industry contentions about the need for strong

                  patent rights is that patents encourage the type of innovation

                  that is best for society. We are not, after all, concerned about

                  what benefit industry ultimately derives from patents; rather, we

                  ought only to be concerned about how patents benefit society

                  as a whole. If the best way to help society is to help industry, so

                  be it, but helping industry in and of itself should not be our goal.


                  Biotech critics

                  While shorter, my critique of that portion of civil society critical of

                  the biotech industry also aims to demonstrate that they have

                  room to accept some of the industry's arguments regarding

                  patenting. The essential argument of the critics that I wish to

                  examine is that biotech patents are incompatible with

                  addressing the social and ethical concerns related to



                  The opponents of biotech patents raise two types of

                  arguments19. The first, or deontological, argument is that

                  patents—in that they imply ownership of biological

                  material—are unacceptable because they violate ethical or

                  religious norms20. According to some religious views, only God

                  can "own" plants and animals, not people20, 21. The problem

                  with the deontological argument is that it assumes a universality

                  of moral norms with respect to property in biological material

                  that simply does not exist. Not only do different religions have

                  different views of biotechnology21, many of us do not subscribe

                  to any religious views. At most, those opposed to patents on

                  deontological grounds can ask to be exempted from having to

                  hold patents on biological materials and to have their own

                  inventions exempted from patent coverage. Both of these

                  requests are easily met under current patent law.


                  Critics in civil society are on a stronger footing with respect to

                  their objections to the consequences of biotech patents. These

                  range from concern that patents will lead to the

                  commercialization and objectification of plants, animals, and

                  human genetic and biological material—which, they claim, is

                  objectionable in its own right22, 23—to fear that the very

                  economic stimulus that patent advocates embrace will lead to

                  biotechnologies that will endanger the environment22, 24, 25 and

                  human health25, 26 as well as further shift resources from

                  developing to developed nations22, 25-29.


                  In their concern over the consequences of biotech patents,

                  many critics make the same mistake as does the industry: they

                  overestimate the effect of patents in spurring innovation. As

                  discussed earlier, the economic data do not support the

                  contention that patents are a prime motivator of biotech

                  innovation. Thus, while patents may contribute to the critics'

                  concerns, the situation is not likely to be much better without

                  patents. In fact, given one positive aspect of patents—that they

                  focus moral responsibility on one actor—the situation may even

                  be worse.


                  As I have argued elsewhere30, patents provide a focus for

                  moral and public responsibility regarding the use of an

                  invention: the patent holder. In a world where patents exist, the

                  public can apply pressure to the patent holder to change the

                  way in which it conducts business. This is because the patent

                  holder is not only easily identifiable by the public, but has the

                  power—through its exclusive rights to use the invention—to

                  control not only how it uses its invention, but how others use it as



                  In the absence of a patent holder, the invention would be free to

                  all to use. Not only would the invention likely be

                  created—because market forces stronger than patents are at

                  work—but no one entity could be held responsible for the use of

                  that invention. As history teaches us, when moral responsibility

                  is spread thin, no one steps forward to ensure compliance with

                  ethical norms. Thus, in the absence of patents, the critics may

                  well have more to fear than at present.


                  The critics also downplay the advantages that biotechnology

                  may hold in store for healthcare and the environment. While

                  biotechnology is not likely, by itself, to address such perennial

                  problems as malnutrition and illness, it can be part of the

                  solution31. Simply because biotechnology has not yet yielded

                  answers to these problems does not mean that it is incapable

                  of doing so.


                  Given that both industry and civil society have space in which to

                  negotiate over the strength and coverage of biotech patents,

                  next month we will find out where, within that space, they can

                  achieve compromise.




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                 2.Ho, M. Greenpeace International Genetic Engineering Campaign

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                10.Diamond v. Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303 (1980).

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