Genomics in the public domain: strategy and policy
Nature Reviews Genetics 1, 70-74 (2000)
Rebecca S. Eisenberg
Rebecca S. Eisenberg is the Robert & Barbara Luciano Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA.
The public domain has been conspicuous in media accounts of public
and private sector initiatives to complete the sequence of the human
genome. The issue of whether the human genome will be freely
available to the public or privately held as a proprietary resource has
captured the attention of the scientific, trade and popular press, the
financial markets, and even heads of state. Although some media
commentary has framed the issue as a conflict between ethics and
greed, strategic considerations go a long way towards explaining the
timing and quality of information disclosures on both sides of the
public–private divide.
Some descriptions of the relationship between Celera Genomics
Corporation and the Human Genome Project have painted a
black-and-white picture of a private firm racing to profit from patents while
the publicly funded project struggles to keep the genome in the public
domain. In fact, both sides of the picture are variegated. Even as it has
built a proprietary database and filed patent applications, Celera has
repeatedly promised that it will eventually make the raw sequence of the
human genome available to scientists free of charge1, although the timing
and details of this commitment are unclear and seem to have shifted. At
the same time, although the public sponsors of the Human Genome
Project have consistently affirmed the importance of prompt and free
public access to raw genomic sequence data ( Box 1), the United States
government reportedly holds more patents on DNA sequences than any
private firm2. Public and private strategies for publication and patenting
have overlapped throughout the brief history of genomics research3. An
important factor contributing to this convergence has been the policy of
the United States government, beginning with the passage of the
Bayh–Dole Act of 1980, to promote the patenting of
government-sponsored research results4. This policy has added strategic
complexity to decisions concerning public disclosure of research results, as
both academic and private institutions have become increasingly mindful
of the interaction between the public domain and the patent system.
Meanwhile, the increasing scientific significance of private sector research
accomplishments has underscored the importance of timely publication of
research results in both the public and private sectors.
What motivates these different players
to disclose information to the public? How
do the missions and priorities of different
institutions in the public and private
sectors affect the timing and quality of
their disclosures?
Reasons for disclosing research results
Scientific recognition and credibility. A
perennial motivation for publication of
new research results is to stake claim to
scientific achievements, thereby
triggering recognition. Public disclosure
subjects research results to scrutiny,
exposing errors and promoting
confidence in the validity of the results. It
also establishes a priority date for
purposes of scientific recognition. These considerations are particularly
important for controversial research claims and for disputed claims of
scientific priority in a close race.
The goal of scientific recognition undoubtedly motivates both academic
and private sector researchers involved in sequencing the human
genome. The sponsors of these research efforts depend on access to top
scientific talent and cannot afford to ignore the motivations of scientists to
achieve recognition in the scientific community. Rivalry for scientific
recognition has been aggravated in this particular context by past
statements from each side that the other is pursuing a scientific strategy
that will not permit satisfactory completion of the job5, 6.
This may be an important reason why Celera, although hoping to profit
from selling access to proprietary DNA sequence databases, has
nonetheless consistently promised to make the raw sequence of the
human genome freely available. Without such public disclosure its claims
to priority will be impossible for the scientific community to assess.
Researchers have expressed scepticism in the past about the claimed
accomplishments of private DNA sequencing firms that do not make their
data publicly available7. The scientific community gives more credence to
claims backed by publicly accessible data than to claims backed only by
press release and rumour.
Scientific credibility is also cited by members of the SNP Consortium (Box
2) as a motivation for making single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
publicly available. The pharmaceutical firms in the SNP Consortium hope to
use SNPs as pharmacogenomic markers to develop drugs for which safety
and efficacy depend on genotype. Regulatory approval for such products
is likely to depend on the reliability of genetic screening tests that predict
drug responses of particular patients. Consortium members hope that it
will be easier to win approval if the tests use markers that are in the
public domain, and are therefore subject to challenge and validation by
the scientific community8.
Publication to the scientific community is inconsistent with long-term
secrecy, but it is not inconsistent with patenting. Patent disclosures are
made freely available to the public once the patent issues under United
States law, and pending patent applications are made public 18 months
after their filing dates in most of the world. Even before public disclosure
through the patent system, institutions may permit scientists to publish
while still preserving patent rights if they coordinate the timing of
publication with the filing of patent applications. In most of the world,
disclosure of an invention in a publication before patent filing results in a
forfeiture of patent rights9, but United States law permits the filing of a
patent application up to one year after publication10. So publication of
research results is no guarantee that the results are free of intellectual
property claims, nor is forfeiture of patent rights a condition for scientific
Widespread dissemination and use. Apart from concerns about
recognition and credibility of research claims, some institutions might
choose to disclose DNA sequence information in publicly available
databases in order to promote widespread dissemination and use. Free
access is particularly important for encouraging users with limited financial
resources (such as academic researchers), who might otherwise be
unable to gain access to past discoveries for use in future research. In
addition to eliminating licence fees, free availability minimizes transaction
costs by eliminating the need for owners and users to find each other and
negotiate licences.
Apart from advancing the public interest in promoting future research, free
access might also advance the financial interests of its champions. For
example, the public sponsors of the Human Genome Project are also likely
to sponsor future research that makes use of genomic information. If the
information is held in proprietary databases or can only be used under the
terms of licence agreements, these research sponsors might expect to
pay more in the future than they would if the information were in the
public domain.
Some private research sponsors might also believe that it serves their
financial interests to promote widespread access to DNA sequence
information by putting it in the public domain. Life sciences firms that hope
to profit from developing and selling new products, such as drugs and
crop seeds, might expect to earn more profits sooner by accelerating
progress in fundamental biological research, thereby bringing new
commercial products into view. Rather than trying to do this fundamental
research themselves — an expensive job at which they have no
comparative advantage — they might prefer to let academic scientists do
the research with public funds. To the extent that free access facilitates
pre-market research in universities, these firms may find their interests
aligned with the interests of public research sponsors in promoting free
disclosure of DNA sequence information in the public domain. This may
explain why Monsanto recently decided to release a rough draft of the rice
genome in the public domain11, and why Merck was willing to invest in
university-based research to generate a database of expressed sequence
tags (ESTs) for the public domain12.
Defeating potential patent claims. Another consideration that seems to
be motivating public disclosures of genomic information by some
institutions in both the public and private sectors is a wish to prevent
patenting of DNA sequences. This seems to be one factor driving the
requirement that publicly funded investigators deposit all newly identified
DNA sequences and mutations in the publicly accessible GenBank
database within 24 hours under the 'Bermuda rules' (Box 3). This
accelerated timetable, which makes it difficult for grantees to get patent
applications on file before public disclosure, also leads to the prompt
creation of 'prior art' that could defeat potential patent claims of others. A
subsequent inventor cannot patent something that was already publicly
disclosed before the patent claimant discovered it13.
Of course, the requirement for prompt deposit in the public domain could
be justified as a way of giving the scientific community the benefit of free
access to as much sequence information as possible as quickly as
possible, without invoking an anti-patent motivation. But the Bermuda
rules are not the only evidence of an anti-patenting norm for raw DNA
sequence information within the Human Genome Project. The National
Human Genome Research Institute has explicitly discouraged grantees
from pursuing such patents ( Box 4).
The creation of prior art may prevent the issuance of patents not only on
past discoveries that are publicly disclosed, but also on future discoveries
that become obvious in light of past disclosures14. This raises the
possibility of publishing early research results as a strategic move to
pre-empt the patenting of future discoveries by commercial rivals15, 16. It
might even be possible for a firm that is lagging in a race to forestall the
patent claims of a swifter rival through publications that enrich the prior
art enough to limit what may be patented in the future. This possibility
might explain why it is often the laggards rather than the leaders in DNA
sequencing races that sing the praises of the public domain. So, for
example, when Merck decided to sponsor the Merck Genome Initiative, at
least two private firms already had a significant lead over Merck in
generating private databases of ESTs17. By putting ESTs in the public
domain, Merck may have hoped to create prior art that would defeat
future patent claims by these or other firms to the corresponding
full-length genes, although it now seems unlikely that this strategy will
prove successful18, 19. The creation of patent-defeating prior art is an
acknowledged part of the strategy of the SNP Consortium. Again, the SNP
Consortium entered the race late, after numerous other private sector
SNP discovery efforts were well under way20. Under these circumstances,
patent-defeating publication may have seemed like the best hope for
Consortium members to preserve future access to information that would
otherwise become proprietary. But if the patent-defeating goal dominates
the goal of prompt dissemination of information, prompt publication in the
public domain may not be the best way to proceed.
In fact the SNP Consortium , in contrast to the Merck Genome Initiative
and participants in the Human Genome Project that comply with the
Bermuda rules, does not publish all of its information as quickly as
possible. Instead, it uses a patent law device called a Statutory Invention
Registration (SIR) to create prior art while delaying publication ( Box 2).
The mechanism for creating prior art before public release is codified at §
157 of the United States Patent Act. This provision authorizes the United
States Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) to publish a patent application
that has been converted to a SIR, without examining it for patentability, if
the applicant waives the right to receive a patent on the invention within
a specified period of time. A SIR has the 'attributes specified for patents',
but does not include the right to exclude others from making, using,
selling or importing the invention21. One attribute of a patent is that it is
effective as prior art for purposes of defeating the patent claims of other
applicants as of its filing date22, even though it might not be published for
some time thereafter. It is therefore possible to file a patent application
describing a discovery, wait a while before converting it to a publicly
accessible SIR, and have the SIR count as prior art as of its filing date,
even though the disclosure was not yet published on that date. Through
the use of this device, the SNP Consortium hopes to create prior art that
will prevent subsequent inventors from patenting their newly identified
SNPs, while deferring disclosure of the SNPs until after they have been
mapped. This strategy for prior art creation combines the benefits of
disclosure with the benefits of nondisclosure.
Reasons for withholding results
Institutions in both the public and private sectors may have compelling
reasons for withholding research results from disclosure. How these
reasons are balanced against the reasons for making disclosure will vary
depending on the priorities of the institution.
Retaining exclusive access for customers. An obvious reason to
withhold commercially valuable information from public disclosure is to
preserve its value for sale to paying customers. Nobody wants to pay for
something that they can get free. Firms like Incyte Genomics and Human
Genome Sciences that seek to profit from selling access to proprietary
databases are therefore understandably reluctant to give the same
information away free in public databases. Why, then, is Celera promising
to make the raw sequence of the human genome freely available?
Sometimes limited disclosure of information in the public domain is
consistent with selling a proprietary information product that offers further
value over the public domain version23. Celera's paying customers gain
access to sequence data before the public-release version becomes
available, as well as getting annotations and proprietary bioinformatics
capabilities that will not be released in the public domain.
Avoiding disclosure to rivals. Another reason to withhold information
from publication is that public disclosure lets your rivals know exactly what
you have accomplished and gives them the benefit of what you have
learned so far. This seems to be a concern for both public and private
sector researchers involved in sequencing the human genome. Celera has
cited concern that competitors will repackage their data and sell it in
competition with them to justify restrictions on use of the version of the
human genome sequence that they promise to make available free of
charge24. For their part, some participants in the public sector Human
Genome Project feel aggrieved by Celera's inclusion of data that they
themselves deposited in GenBank in its claim to have completed the
sequence of the human genome. Some scientists are particularly
indignant that Celera's publications might include data deposited in
GenBank by academic investigators who would not be included as
In a race to accumulate information, everything one discloses in the public
domain becomes available to one's rivals and helps them get ahead. If
one side makes its data freely available and the other side keeps its data
secret, the rival that relies on secrecy will always know at least as much
as the rival that promptly discloses its data.
Sometimes information disclosures will be of more value to the secretive
rival than to the disclosing rival because of the cumulative value of
combining public data with private data. Suppose, for example, that two
rivals, Public University and Private Company, each sequence different
portions of the same gene. Suppose further that the patent system offers
more generous protection for full-length genes than for gene fragments.
(Although the matter is not free from doubt, this seems to be consistent
with the position of the PTO as reflected in recently disclosed training
materials for patent examiners in applying the written description and
utility guidelines.)
If Public University freely discloses its portion of the gene in GenBank,
Private Company might add that information to the partial sequence it
already has, quickly complete the full-length sequence, and file a patent
application that it would not have been in a position to file without the
Public University disclosure. So prompt disclosure in the public domain can
be treacherous if your ultimate goal is to keep information freely available.
Although disclosure creates potentially patent-defeating prior art, it may
also enhance the value of complementary private information, and
perhaps even make it easier for rivals to get patents.
This may explain why the SNP Consortium defers disclosure of its newly
identified SNPs by filing SIRs instead of publishing. As well as delaying
additions to the proprietary SNP collections of their rivals, the
deferred-disclosure strategy allows the Consortium to conceal from its
rivals just what it has accomplished so far, creating uncertainty as to
which SNPs are worth patenting and which are already in the prior art.
However, the SIR strategy does not make as much information available
to the research community as quickly as prompt publication or posting on
a website would do, leaving those who need prompt access to SNPs with
nowhere to turn but proprietary collections. But as the SIR strategy
promises eventual disclosure, those with less urgent needs may be
content to wait, knowing that the Consortium's SNPs will soon be freely
If the goal of promoting immediate public access dominates the goal of
defeating future patent claims, then publication might make more sense
than patent filing. This may be one reason why the sponsors of the
Human Genome Project, whose overarching mission is to promote
research, call on their grantees to deposit their data promptly in GenBank
in accordance with the Bermuda rules rather than to file patent
applications and defer disclosure pending conversion to SIRs. But the
public sector Human Genome Project has paid a price for this policy — it
has advanced the competitive position of their private sector rivals in the
race to complete the sequence of the human genome, and may have
enhanced their patent positions.
Preserving patent rights. A final reason for deferring disclosure of DNA
sequence information is to preserve the possibility of obtaining viable
patent rights in the future. This concern may motivate some institutions to
defer publication in precisely the circumstances that it motivates other
institutions to make prompt disclosure. The difference depends on
whether they believe that pre-empting future patents is good or bad.
Apart from concern about preserving their own patent rights, public
research sponsors and publicly funded research performers may worry
that premature public disclosure could prevent them from complying with
their mandate under the Bayh–Dole Act to promote technology transfer
and product development by patenting research results. Indeed, this
concern was cited by former NIH director Bernadine Healy in support of
the decision to file patent applications on the first ESTs identified by Craig
Venter when he was at NIH25.
In fact, it does not seem that publication of raw genomic DNA sequence
will prevent the issuance of patents on genes that are subsequently
found to lie within that sequence under United States law. The situation in
Europe is less certain and awaits clarification of national laws in response
to a 1998 directive of the European Parliament on the legal protection of
biotechnological inventions (Box 5). Although the patent system has not
yet resolved many of the legal issues that will determine what portions of
the human genome may be patented, for the time being there seems to
be little threat that disclosure of the human genome in the public domain
will leave future researchers who identify and characterize genes with
nothing left to patent.
Complex and interrelated strategies for endowing the public domain are
at work in the field of genomics. These strategies arise out of the varied
plans of different institutions for extracting value out of genomic
information, complicated by the interplay of the public domain with the
patent system. Public disclosure of genomic information advances some
interests while harming others, with no simple distinction between the
interests of public and private institutions. Understanding these interests
might do more to enlighten public policy debates about the importance of
the public domain in genomics research than appeals to ethical
Box 1 | Bill Clinton and Tony Blair on genome data access
United States President, Bill Clinton and United
Kingdom Prime Minister, Tony Blair issued the
following statement concerning access to
genome sequence data, on the 14 March 2000.
"To realize the full promise of this research, raw
fundamental data on the human genome,
including the human DNA sequence and its
variations, should be made freely available to
scientists everywhere.
Unencumbered access to this information will promote discoveries that
will reduce the burden of disease, improve health around the world, and
enhance the quality of life for all humankind. Intellectual property
protection for gene-based inventions will also play an important role in
stimulating the development of important new health care products.
We applaud the decision by scientists working on the Human Genome
Project to release raw fundamental information about the human DNA
sequence and its variants rapidly into the public domain, and we
commend other scientists around the world to adopt this policy."
(Photo by Mark Wilson, Newsmakers.)
Box 2 | The SNP Consortium
Members of the SNP Consortium include the Wellcome Trust, APBiotech,
AstraZeneca PLC, Aventis, Bayer AG, Bristol-Meyers Squibb Company, F.
Hoffmann-LaRoche, Glaxo Wellcome PLC, IBM, Motorola, Novartis, Pfizer
Inc., Searle and SmithKline Beecham PLC.
"The SNP Consortium , Ltd. (TSC) has been formed to advance the field of
medicine and the development of genetic based diagnostics and
therapeutics, through the creation of a high density single nucleotide
polymorphism (SNP) map of the human genome. This map will be freely
available to all parties (members and non-members) at the same time."
The SNP Consortium candidly describes its intellectual property strategy
as follows:
"The overall IP objective is to maximize the number of SNPs the [ sic] (1)
enter the public domain at the earliest possible date, and (2) to be free
of third-party encumbrances such that the map can be used by all
without financial or other IP obligations. To meet objective (2), the [SNP
Consortium] intends to withhold public release of identified SNPs until
mapping has been achieved to prevent facilitating the patenting of the
same SNPs by third parties. Mapped SNPs will be publicly released
quarterly, approximately one quarter after they are identified. The
intellectual property plan is intended to maintain the priority dates of
discovery of the unmapped SNPs during the period between identification
and release, for use as 'prior art'."
Box 3 | The Bermuda rules
The Bermuda rules derive their name from an agreement entered into at
the International Strategy Meeting on Human Genome Sequencing held
in Bermuda on the 25–28 February 1996, sponsored by the Wellcome
"It was agreed that all human genomic sequence information, generated
by centres funded for large-scale human sequencing, should be freely
available and in the public domain in order to encourage research and
development and to maximise its benefit to society."
The Bermuda rules have been criticized for promoting public disclosure of
data that have not been checked for accuracy27.
Box 4 | NHGRI policy on release of human genome sequence data
The National Human Genome Research Institute issued the following
policy statement on the 7 March 1997.
"In NHGRI's opinion, raw human genomic DNA sequence, in the absence
of additional demonstrated biological information, lacks demonstrated
specific utility and therefore is an inappropriate material for patent filing.
NIH is concerned that patent applications on large blocks of primary
human genomic DNA sequence could have a chilling effect on the
development of future inventions of useful products...NHGRI will monitor
grantee activity in this area to learn whether or not attempts are being
made to patent large blocks of primary human genomic DNA sequence."
Box 5 | European Parliament directive on patenting
Directive 98/44/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the
6 July 1998 on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions, Official
Journal L 213, 30/07/1998 p. 0013–0021 Article 5:
The human body, at the various stages of its formation and
development, and the simple discovery of one of its elements,
including the sequence or partial sequence of a gene, cannot
constitute patentable inventions.
An element isolated from the human body or otherwise produced
by means of a technical process, including the sequence or partial
sequence of a gene, may constitute a patentable invention, even if
the structure of that element is identical to that of a natural
The industrial application of a sequence or a partial sequence of a
gene must be disclosed in the patent application.
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This research has been supported by a grant from the United States Department of Energy.