Patchwork Genes: A Survey of Global Genetic Diversity


Date accessed: 24 May 2001

May 6, 2001

Some people look at the wonder of human diversity and see a gorgeous mosaic. Others see proof of God's handiwork. But more and more biotechnology companies see a business opportunity. In particular, they are interested in populations around the world that have a higher-than-average concentration of rare genetic diseases. The hope is that by studying these people's unusual chromosomal arrangements, scientists will be able to gain insight into the nature of the disease and develop a cure. But lest there be any dispute about the profits that might result, some companies have gone so far as to purchase the rights to these populations' genes. Herewith, a sampling of ethnic genetic variation, adapted from the coming book "Your Genetic Destiny: Know Your Genes, Secure Your Health, Save Your Life," by Aubrey Milunsky, M.D., D.Sc. (Perseus Publishing, 2001).

Africans (blacks)/African-type adult lactase deficiency/Milk intolerance
Afrikaners (white South Africans)/Porphyria variegata/Neurological problems
Amish or Mennonites/Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome/Dwarfism and extra digits
Armenians/Familial Mediterranean Fever/Inflammation and fever
Ashkenazi Jews / Tay-Sachs disease/Brain degeneration
Chinese/Thalassemia (alpha)/Anemia
Finns/Dystrophic retinae dysacusis syndrome/Blindness
French-Canadian/Familial hypercholesterolemia /Heart disease
Irish/Neural-tube defects/Spina bifida
Italians/Fucosidosis/Mental retardation
Japanese and Korean/Oguchi disease/Night blindness
Maori (Polynesians)/Clubfoot/Foot deformity
Mediterraneans/Glycogen-storage disease (type III)/Liver disease
Norwegians/Cholestasis-lymphedema/Liver problems

Category: 16. Economics and Biotechnology, 52. Genetic Banks, Databases and Biodiversity