Rights Act invoked to pick baby's sex


October 13, 2000 (date accessed: Oct. 13, 2000)

 By Auslan Cramb


                                                      Nash baby offers hope to Britons

                                                      Couple asked London hospital to select embryo

                                                      The tests in full and how they worked for the Nash



                                               A COUPLE whose daughter died in a bonfire accident plan

                                               to use human rights legislation introduced in Britain last week

                                               in their fight to choose the sex of their baby.


                                               Alan and Louise Masterton, who have four sons, say the

                                               "female dimension" has been missing from their family since

                                               the death of Nicole last year.


                                               The three-year-old suffered burns to 90 per cent of her body

                                               after a balloon filled with helium fell on a bonfire in the

                                               family's garden. She underwent 100 hours of surgery, but

                                               died 61 days after the accident.


                                               The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has

                                               advised Mr and Mrs Masterton, both 42, that the sex of their

                                               baby cannot be chosen for "social" reasons, but only if there

                                               is a pressing medical need. They plan to contest the policy in

                                               court under the European Convention on Human Rights,

                                               which was incorporated into British law on Monday.


                                               Mr Masterton, who recently completed a law degree, said

                                               they were not seeking a "designer baby" but had sound,

                                               psychological reasons for wanting a daughter. He said: "Our

                                               family will be imbalanced for eternity because we lost a very

                                               special and precious member of our family. We can never

                                               replace Nicole, but what we're hoping to do with the use of

                                               technology is create the female dimension again."


                                               Mrs Masterton, who was sterilised after Nicole's birth, said:

                                               "We tried for 15 years to have a girl before Nicole was born,

                                               and we have psychologists' reports and GPs' reports which

                                               confirm that our reasons for wanting a girl go beyond just

                                               wanting to replace her.


                                               "We had five children and we had the family complete, but it

                                               doesn't feel complete any more because we don't have our

                                               wee girl. I adore our sons but we would like another girl."

                                               She said that her children, Barry, 16, Adam, 13, Ross, 12 and

                                               Scott, nine, would "love another sister".


                                               The couple want doctors to use pre-implantation genetic

                                               diagnosis as part of the standard in-vitro fertilisation

                                               treatment. This would involve the destruction of male

                                               embryos in a procedure normally employed by families with

                                               a history of hereditary diseases, such as haemophilia or

                                               muscular dystrophy, in male children.


                                               The Roman Catholic Church in Scotland condemned the

                                               family's attempt at sex selection, saying a child was "not a

                                               product, but a gift from God". The HFEA, a government

                                               agency, has described the case as "tragic", but has told the

                                               family it can consider an application for implantation only

                                               from one of Britain's five fertility clinics, which have all

                                               refused to help.


                                               Kevin Male, of the pro-life charity Life, said that what the

                                               family was proposing was "simple eugenics" and he could

                                               think of no circumstances in which sex selection was

                                               justified. He said: "We are totally opposed to engineering the

                                               numbers and genders of people in society. That road leads

                                               only to disaster."


                                               But Bishop Richard Holloway, the head of the Scottish

                                               Episcopal Church and a former member of the HFEA board,

                                               has urged the authority to consider relaxing the policy. He

                                               said: "While you could probably make a case for a general

                                               regulation that sex selection is a bad thing, there must be

                                               exceptional circumstances. I would think this one probably



                                               The Mastertons are consulting lawyers, and if they win a

                                               judicial review of the national policy it will be based on article

                                               six of the convention, which guarantees a "fair hearing" from

                                               public authorities, and article eight, which enshrines an

                                               individual's right to "respect for family life".


                                               Prof Ken Mason, who teaches medical law and ethics at

                                               Edinburgh University, said the Mastertons' aims crossed the

                                               boundaries of ethically acceptable medical practice.