Top senator pushes new stem-cell compromise
Date accessed: 9 October 2001
Nature, 26 July 2001
[WASHINGTON] President George W. Bush was
offered a possible way out of his stem-cell research imbroglio last week, when
an influential Republican senator laid out a set of possible conditions for
government funding.
Bill Frist (Republican, Tennessee), the only physician in the Senate, said on 18 July that the research should be federally funded "within a carefully regulated, fully transparent framework [that ensures] the highest level of respect for ... the human embryo".
Frist added that research on embryonic stem cells had greater potential than studies on adult stem cells. But his ten-point plan for the research would restrict it to an unspecified, finite number of embryonic stem-cell lines — an idea that many biologists oppose (see Nature 412, 107; 2001.)
Category: 31. Stem Cells