51. Academia

Date Source Title Summary Other Categories
03.26.2001 New York Times Women are Close to Being the Majority of Law Students In a development that is already leading to changes in the way law is practiced, women are expected to be in the majority when law schools open this fall.
01.2001 Nature Biotech Slippery Slopes? [Editorial] Interface between commercial and academic publication of research. The author questions the academic integrity of researchers and publishers who allow commercial considerations to dictate the type of research that will be published and the arrangements connected with their publication. The relationship between Celera and Science is specifically denounced as a precedent for distorting the accepted scientific publication practices. 39. General Issues About Research
01.11.2001 Nature Is the university-industrial complex out of control? Discussion about the university-industry complex and its benefits and disadvantages to academia and society. Questions about public accountability, conflict of interests and others stemming from industrial links are raised as well as recommendations on countervailing initiatives. Concrete examples of industrial-academic relationships described in some detail.