5. Economic Theory and the Economics of Patents
Date | Source | Title | Summary | Other Categories |
02.01.2001 | Nature | Changing patent laws could be a healthy move to combat resistance | [Opinion] The author proposes to break the cycle of short-term commercial pressure for optimal market return on investment and the resultant generation of drug resistance, in the long-term interests of human and animal health. He proposes a self-regulatory approach to break this cycle by linking the continuation of a patent to the resistance status of the product. | 3. Theory of Patents |
07.23.2000 | New York Times | How Companies Stall Generics and Keep Themselves Healthy | Case study of deal-making between patent holding and generic pharmaceutical companies to keep generics off the market. Deals specifically with blood pressure medication Hytrin and a US anti-competition law suit. Also deals with US federal legislation extending drug patents and making it easier for generics to get to market. | 18. Value of Patents |