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Week 2: Lecture a
Form and Stratification

I. Introduction

A. Announcements

A. Content

II. Form and Stratification

A. Introduction

1. Formal Characteristics

a) In Popular Music vs. Classical Music

b) In Progressive Rock

2. Recording as Primary Text

B. Formal Sections 

1. Verse 

2. Chorus 

3. Climb 

4. Bridge (Break) 

5. Additional

a) Introduction

b) Ending (Coda)

c) Transitions

d) Solos, etc.

6. Alternatives

C. Layers (Stratification)

1. Basic Rock Aesthetics

2. Graphic Representation (Stratified or Layer Graph)

a) Horizontal Information

(1) Measures

(2) Time

(3) Formal Markers

b) Vertical Information (Instrumentation)

(1) Melodic Layer

(2) Accompaniment Layer (Harmonic)

(3) Low-Frequencies Layer

(4) Rhythmic Layer

3. Procedure

a) Example: Peter Gabriel’s "Digging in the Dirt"

b) Applications

III. Reading and Listening

A. Reading

1. Macan, Edward, Rocking the Classics, p. 30-56.

B. Listening Exercise

1. Yes, "Roundabout", CD-01, Track 4 (00:44-02:15); or MCD6036 (on reserve)

a) Make a graphic representation of the form

b) Try to identify instruments in the layers