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Week 12: Lecture b
1973: Dark Side of the Moon

I. Introduction

A. Announcements

B. Content: 1973

II. 1973

A. Introduction

1. Growing Importance of Studio Technology

2. Even more important albums in 1973

B. Albums

1. Genesis, Selling England by the Pound

2. Emerson, Lake and Palmer

a) Line-up?

b) Brain Salad Surgery (Manticore 1973)

(1) "Karn Evil 9"

(2) Discussion of Stuessy and Lipscomb analysis

3. King Crimson: Lark’s Tongues in Aspic

a) Line-up

b) Complete new style (2nd period)

C. Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon (1973)

1. General

a) Popular album

b) Personnel

c) Sound Engineer: Alan Parsons

d) Songs