Turnitin Instructions |
Setting up a user account (If you have already set up an account for another class, you may proceed directly to part 2.) a) Go to the turnitin homepage: www.turnitin.com b) Click on the "create a user profile" link at the top-right side of the page. c) Enter your UWO email address. d) Enter a password of your own choosing (at least six characters, including at least one number and one letter). e) Enter your first and last name and choose your country of residence. f) Select the "student" user type. g) Read and accept the user agreement. h) Click the "return to login page" link and proceed to step 2. 2.
Adding a class. a) Go to the turnitin homepage: www.turnitin.com b) Enter your email address and password and click the "login" button at the top right of the page. c) Click on the "enroll in a class" button at the top left of the screen. d) Enter the id number 1571126 and the password spinoza. Click the "submit" box. e) This will take you to the turnitin homepage for the class. Proceed to part 3. 3.
Uploading your paper. a) On the turnitin class homepage, you will see a list of assignments (only one is posted so far). Beside the link "Essay #1" you will find an icon that looks like an arrow and a piece of paper. Click on this icon. b)
Enter your name and a title for your essay, e.g. "Essay 1".
Then click on the "browse" button and find your essay
file. Once you�ve done that,
click on the "submit" button.
Please ensure that your file
is in rich text format (.rtf) as this is c) You will be asked if this is the paper you want to submit. Ensure that it is and then click the "yes, submit" button. d) You will see a copy of your essay and confirmation that your paper is submitted will be emailed to you. You�re all done with Turnitin and can log out. f) Do not submit a hard copy to |