Exciting new idea!!!

(Well, okay, it's not actually very new, but...)


Philosophy Mentoring

If you're finding the readings and material for this course challenging (and I hope that you are... they're hard), then consider getting involved in a mentor/mentee relationship with another member of the class.  Mentors and mentees meet regularly, at times and for durations determined by them, to discuss the course material.  This is a really great way to clear up confusions about the arguments we're studying, but also to deepen your understanding of the material (even if you're not confused about it).  It's also a really good way to begin preparing for the mid-year test.

If you're interested in getting involved in a mentor/mentee relationship, please email me and I'll match you up with a partner.  From there on, the two of you determine the shape your relationship will take.  If you need help from me, I'm perfectly happy to lend you any support.  However, this should really be your baby.  

While the rewards of being involved in a mentor-mentee relationship are intended to be intellectual/academic, mentors (typically, students who received an A or B on their first assignment) can put "Philosophy mentor" on their résumés, and can use me as a job/grad school/med school/etc. reference with regard to their mentoring.

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