Course Notes for 2007-2008

FIRST UNIT - September / October, 2007

Course Introduction

Klaits Introduction and Chapter One

Klaits Chapter One, Part Two

Baroja - Magic and Religion in the Classical World

Baring and Cashford

Plato I

Plato II


Aquinas on Evil

Aquinas on Impotence

Innocent VIII, 1484 - The Witch Bull (spoken lecture, no notes)

Review for Unit One


SECOND UNIT - October / November / December, 2007

Malleus Maleficarum, 1486

Klaits Chapter Three - Sexual Politics and Religious Reform in the Witch Craze

Anne Llewellyn Barstow - Controlling Women's Bodies: Violence and Sadism

Gratian, 1140 - A Warning to Bishops (no notes)

Gregory IX, 1232 - The Witches of Stedlingerlaud (no notes)

Review of Unit Two


THIRD UNIT - January / February, 2008

Koenigsberger et al., 1968 - Christianity, Popular Culture, and Humanism

Klaits Chapter Four - The Beggar and the Midwife

Montaigne, 1572-1588 - Of Fear

Montaigne, 1572-1588 - Of Cripples

Montaigne, 1572-1588 - Of the Power of the Imagination

Review of Unit Three: study the above material, all of it, in detail.


FOURTH UNIT - February / March / April 2008

Klaits, Chapter 5: “The Possessed” (ONLY pages 104-119, the material we covered in class)

Aubin, “The Devils of Loudun” (ALL)

Spee, “A Jesuit Criticizes the Persecution” No download – spoken lecture (ALL)

Klaits, Chapter 6: “In the Torture Chamber – Legal Reform and Psychological Breakdown” (ALL)

Laws and Punishments (ALL)

Descartes, Discourse I, II, II, Meditations I, II (ALL)

***NO!  You don't have to cover Klaits 7!  We didn't do it in class, it doesn't appear on this list.
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