
Philosophy 162F

Study Questions

  1. What is prudence?
  2. What is the difference between rules of prudence and ethical rules?
  3. Why is it sometimes difficult to distinguish between prudential choices and moral choices in case studies?
  4. Why might we be reluctant to claim that laws are moral rules?
  5. What is a descriptive approach to morality?
  6. What is a conceptual approach to morality?
  7. What is a prescriptive or normative approach to morality?
  8. What is cultural relativism?
  9. What is ethical relativism?
  10. What is the relativism of judgments?
  11. What is the relativism of standards?
  12. What are four approaches to solving moral disagreements?
  13. What ethical system advocates that people only act prudentially?
  14. What is psychological egoism?
  15. What is a problem with psychological egoism?
  16. What is ethical egoism?
  17. What is the basic utilitarian position?
  18. What are three essential features of utilitarianism?
  19. What is act utilitarianism?
  20. What is rule utilitarianism?
  21. What is the difference between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism?
  22. What is an objection to utilitarianism? How might a utilitarian respond?
  23. Give an example of an ethical situation in business that might be favourably resolved by utilitarianism?
  24. What is a categorical imperative?
  25. What is a hypothetical imperative?
  26. What, according to Kant, is the only categorical imperative?
  27. What, according to Kant, is another way of saying the categorical imperative?
  28. What is an objection to Kantianism?
  29. What is an important difference between utilitarianism and Kantianism?
  30. What is a negative right?
  31. What obligations come from a negative right?
  32. What is a positive right?
  33. What obligations come from a positive right?
  34. What is the basic principle of virtue ethics?
  35. Why might virtue ethics be of value in business?
  36. What are three normative aspects of feminism as a political project?
  37. What is the basic principle of the ethics of care?
  38. Briefly, what is the stockholder theory of the purpose of the corporation?
  39. According to Friedman's view of stockholder theory, what is the role of ethics in business?
  40. Larger question: Outline one of the arguments that Friedman gives in favour of the stockholder theory.
  41. Briefly, what is the shareholder theory of the purpose of the corporation?
  42. What is moral hazard?
  43. What is externality?
  44. According to the narrow view of shareholder theory, who are the shareholders in a company?
  45. What is the version of pragmatic liberalism that Freeman presents to justify shareholder theory?
  46. What are three of the groundrules that Freeman lays out in support of shareholder theory?
  47. What is Freeman's Stakeholder Enabling Principle?
  48. What is Freeman's Principle of Director Responsibility?
  49. What is Freeman's Principle of Stakeholder Recourse?
  50. What is the difference between blame and culpability that Jennifer Moore introduces in order to argue for the Corporate Character Theory?
  51. According to Corporate Character Theory, what comprises the character of a corporation?
  52. What is it about the elements of the character of a corporation that makes them part of the culpability for an action?
  53. How might one identify the character of a corporation?
  54. What are some of the reasons that Manuel Velasquez provides to claim that the discussion of corporate responsibility is an important one?
  55. What is the fallacy of division? What role does Velasquaez think that this fallacy plays in arguments about corporate character?
  56. What does Velasquez' example of the wind up car say about responsibility?
  57. According to Velasquez, what are claims about the actions and responsibilities of corporation really claims about, if they are about anything at all?
  58. What is a danger of assigning corporate responsibility that Velasquez and Boisjoly et at. all share?
  59. What role does imperfection play in Lisa Belkin's analysis of responsibility in medical procedures?
  60. Why might deception, in advertising or otherwise, be a particularly bad act in business?
  61. What, according to Robert Arrington, is puffery?
  62. What are two defenses of puffery?
  63. What kind of desires does Arrington point out are both culturally influenced and yet genuinely our own?
  64. What is a second-order desire?
  65. What are Roger Arrington's criteria for the control of one person by another?
  66. How does advertising fail to meet Arrington's criteria for control?
  67. How does John Bishop define an image ad?
  68. What is one way that an image ad can cause harm within a society?
  69. How may gaze be involved in an image ad?
  70. What is the five-point scale that David Holley uses to talk about disclosure in sales?
  71. Why does Holley rule out the bottom rung of his information scale?
  72. How does Holley use vulnerability to justify a greater disclosure of information?
  73. What is a prima facie duty?
  74. What are the main four prima facie duties that Thomas Carson identifies for salespeople in the disclosure of information?
  75. What is the specific justification that Carson provides for one of the prima facie duties that he lists?
  76. How does Carson present the Golden Rule?
  77. What is the doctrine of employment at will?
  78. Larger question: What are two arguments in favour of employment at will? What are the challenges to these arguments?
  79. What is the technical limitation on genetic screening?
  80. What is the causal limitation on genetic screening?
  81. What is one benefit that employee may gain from genetic screening?
  82. What is one of the concerns that employees may have about genetic screening?
  83. What are the three things, according to Joseph Kupfer, that one should take into account when evaluatingan invasion of privacy?
  84. What are Michael Davis' three definitions of justification?
  85. What is Davis' paradox of burden?
  86. What is Davis' paradox of missing harm?
  87. What is Davis' paradox of failure?
  88. What are two reasons that Davis gives as to why his complicity theory of whistleblowing is better than the standard theory?
  89. Why doesn't Ronald Duska think that there is any moral problem about whistelblowing?
  90. What is a social idealist?
  91. What is a social atomist?
  92. Even if some groups deserve loyalty, why does Duska deny that we should give our loyalty to businesses? 
  93. What is an egalitarian theory of distributive justice?
  94. What is a communitarian theory of distributive justice?
  95. What is a libertarian theory of distributive justice?
  96. What is a utilitarian theory of distributive justice?
  97. How does Rawls' veil of ignorance effect what principles are justified in a society?
  98. What is Rawls' first principle of justice?
  99. What is Rawls' second principle of justice?
  100. What is Rawls' simple definition of injustice?
  101. What is Nozick's inductive definition of justice in holding?
  102. What is a time-slice theory of distributive justice?
  103. What is an historical theory of distributive justice?
  104. What is the slogan that Nozick uses as a simplified presentation of his theory of distributive justice?
  105. What is Nozick's Wilt Chamberlain example? What is the general point of this example?

