Political Science 403F, Fall Term, September to December, 2005

Rights and the Canadian Constitution

Article Review

The article review, which comprises 15% of the total grade in the course, is a review, comparison and critique of the following articles which available on the web (links below). The articles appeared in the McGill Law Journal and are as follows:

"Measuring Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court of Canada: A Comment on Newfoundland (Treasury Board) v. NAPE" by Sujit Choudhry and Claire E. Hunter and "Misrepresenting the Supreme Court’s Record? A Comment on Choudhry and Hunter, 'Measuring Judicial Activism on the Supreme Court of Canada'" by Christopher P. Manfredi and James B. Kelly

Students may wish to consider (but are not required to do so) the rebuttal by Choudry and Hunter entitled "Continuing the Conversation: A Reply to Manfredi and Kelly". In addition there are materials on reserve for the course which provide background and discussion on the judicial activism debate.

The review is a critical evaluation and comparison of the papers. It is to be no longer than 6 pages (1500 words). The review is due on October 12 by 12 p.m. EST. Students are required to submit it by email in Word or Wordperfect.

Links to review guidelines/statements appear below. While it is acknowledged that there are differences in the following review statements, each provides insight into the review process and students may wish to refer to them:

Dalhousie Review Statement

University of Toronto Article and Book Review Statement

Grading Plan
