Outline – Lecture 6 [Oct. 21, 2003]Ch. 6: Children with Intellectual Disabilities
What is intelligence?
How Do We Measure It? Standardized IQ Tests
PPT Slide
Examples of Standardized IQ Tests
2. Wechsler Scales of Intelligence: WPPSI [4-6yr.]; WISC-III[6-16yr.]; WAIS [16 up]
3. Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children [KABC]
Bayley Scales of Infant Development [BSID-II]
Validity of IQ Tests
Mental Retardation A Historical Perspective
AAMR Definition of Mental Retardation[American Association on Mental Retardation]
What is Adaptive Behaviour?
AAMR Classification
DSM-IV and Educational Classifications [based on IQ scores]
Some Causes of Mental Retardation
Developmental/difference controversy
Cognitive Development : Piaget [qualitative changes]
Information Processing Theory[quantitative changes]
Effects of MR on the Child
Family Reactions and Adjustment
Assessing Mental Retardation
Educational Considerations: The Curriculum
Transition to Adult Life
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