PPT Slide
Clarifying the causal status of “subject” variables through a
treatments x subjects design
Step 1: Develop a theory of the mechanism by which the subject variable
is assumed to determine behavior...for example, anxiety inhibits
task performance by distracting attention
Step 2: Select an independent variable that (a) can be experimentally
manipulated and (b) involves or influences the theoretical
mechanism that was postulated in Step 1...for example, presence
vs. absence of distracting stimuli in a task
Step 3: Carry out a Treatments x Subjects experiment in which the
treatments variable is the independent variable identified in
Step 2 (i.e., presence vs. absence of distracting stimuli) and the
subject variable is the variable whose causal status is at issue
Step 4: The theory formulated in Step 1 predicts a significant interaction
between the treatment variable and the subject variable...for
example, anxiety should affect performance more on distracting
tasks than on non- distracting tasks. The presence of the
predicted interaction effect supports the view that the subject
variable really does affect (i.e., cause) behavior as theorized.