Ciaccio (1971) : Percent of stories reflecting each type of theme


            Autonomy/   Initiative/   Industry/   Identity/
           Shame & Doubt    Guilt    Inferiority  Confusion


5 year-olds    46%          41.9%       6.4%         0.7%

9 year-olds   20.3%        55.7%       19.0%        1.9%

12 year-olds  16.1%        26.1%       44.3%        8.2%

McAdams et al. (1993)


                Scores on a generativity" questionnaire




                          22-27        37-42         67-72


Generative commitments     1.62        3.28            3.39


Generative action         26.63        31.55          28.16