Personal Orientation Questionnaire

Below you will see a series of statements.  Please read each statement carefully and respond to it by expressing the extent to which you believe the statement applies to you.  For all items a response from 1 to 7 is required (write the number in the space provided).  Use the number that reflects your belief when the scale is defined as follows:

   1 = The statement does not apply to me at all
   2 = The statement usually does not apply to me
   3 = Most often the statement does not apply
   4 = I am not sure whether the statement applies to me, or it applies to me about
         half the time
   5 = The statement applies more often than not
   6 = The statement usually applies to me
   7 = The statement always applies to me

___  1.  I prefer a job where I have a lot of control over what I do and when I do it.

___  2.  I enjoy political participation because I want to have as much of a say in running the government as possible

___ 3.  I try to avoid situations where someone else tells me what to do.

___ 4.  I would prefer to be a leader than a follower.

___ 5.  I enjoy being able to influence the actions of others.

___ 6.  I am careful to check everything on an automobile before I leave for a long

___ 7.  Other people usually know what is best for me.

___ 8.  I enjoy making my own decisions.

___ 9.  I enjoy having control over my own destiny.

 ___ 10.  I would rather that someone else take over the leadership role when I am
               involved in a group project.

___ 11.  I consider myself to be generally more capable of handling situations than
              others are.

___  12.  I’d rather run my own business and make my own mistakes than listen to
               someone else’s orders.

___13.   I like to get a good idea of what a job is all about before I begin.

___ 14.  When I see a problem, I prefer to do something about it rather than sit by
              and let it continue.

___15.   When it comes to orders, I would rather give them than receive them.

___16.  I wish I could push many of life’s daily decisions off on someone else.

___17.  When driving, I try to avoid putting myself in a situation where I could be
             hurt by another person’s mistake.

___18.  I prefer to avoid situations where someone else has to tell me what I should
             be doing.

___19.  There are many situations in which I would prefer only one choice rather
             than having to make a decision.

___20.  I like to wait and see if someone else is going to solve a problem so that I
             don’t have to be bothered with it.