Cross sequential: % of women in the Netherlands with no religious affiliation

                          Period1                Period2               Period3             Period4
Age:                    (1909)                 (1929)                 (1949)              (1969)

20-30                  Cohort 4              Cohort 5               Cohort 6         Cohort 7
                              4.8%                   13.9%                    17.4%            23.9%

40-50                    Cohort 3             Cohort 4                Cohort 5        Cohort 6
                               3.1%                    11.9%                   17.2%            22%

60-70                    Cohort 2              Cohort 3                Cohort 4        Cohort 5
                                  1.9%                  6.7%                      11.9%           19.4%

80+                        Cohort 1              Cohort 2               Cohort 3         Cohort 4
                                  1.2%                   3.8%                     6.6%              12.2%