R E L I A B I L I T Y   A N A L Y S I S   -   S C A L E   (A L P H A)

Item-total Statistics

               Scale          Scale      Corrected
               Mean         Variance       Item-            Alpha
              if Item        if Item       Total           if Item
              Deleted        Deleted    Correlation        Deleted

PO1           93.0419       123.2187        .2825           .7299
PO2           94.8212       120.5634        .2174           .7375
PO3           94.1034       120.1592        .3470           .7248
PO4           93.4777       113.1933        .5164           .7092
PO5           93.4106       122.3880        .2704           .7307
PO6           94.3659       126.1589        .0663           .7527
PO7           93.2430       122.5094        .2462           .7327
PO8           92.6397       118.0450        .4871           .7158
PO9           92.5503       117.5340        .4335           .7179
PO10          93.8911       117.6468        .3243           .7265
PO11          93.5447       121.7536        .3456           .7257
PO12          93.9972       115.0857        .4291           .7168
PO13          92.5335       126.5073        .1603           .7379
PO14          92.7570       121.8521        .3921           .7237
PO15          93.6117       118.5914        .4573           .7177
PO16          93.5670       124.1106        .1933           .7368
PO17          93.0978       125.4131        .1398           .7415
PO18          93.8631       120.5893        .3384           .7256
PO19          94.3603       119.4832        .3076           .7278
PO20          93.6676       121.3229        .2602           .7318

Reliability Coefficients

N of Cases =    179.0                    N of Items = 20

Alpha =    .7384