Factor Analysis

Total Variance Explained
Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Component Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 3.852 19.258 19.258 3.852 19.258 19.258 2.360 11.800 11.800
2 2.162 10.811 30.069 2.162 10.811 30.069 2.120 10.600 22.401
3 1.592 7.961 38.030 1.592 7.961 38.030 1.959 9.796 32.197
4 1.420 7.101 45.132 1.420 7.101 45.132 1.903 9.517 41.714
5 1.214 6.070 51.202 1.214 6.070 51.202 1.513 7.564 49.278
6 1.063 5.316 56.519 1.063 5.316 56.519 1.448 7.241 56.519
7 .950 4.752 61.270
8 .898 4.489 65.759
9 .842 4.208 69.967
10 .762 3.812 73.779
11 .732 3.661 77.440
12 .699 3.497 80.937
13 .632 3.160 84.097
14 .572 2.859 86.956
15 .561 2.806 89.762
16 .518 2.589 92.351
17 .450 2.248 94.598
18 .407 2.033 96.632
19 .376 1.879 98.510
20 .298 1.490 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.