Bio 22/23 - "There's no place like Home."

Biology 1222/23
Course Policies

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Course policies for Bio 1222 and Bio 1223
include all UWO Academic Policies as
outlined in the UWO Academic Calendar
and the UWO Code of Student Conduct.

as well as

our own policies below on
and Cheating

Note: Know your academic rights and limitations.
     A plea of ignorance will not protect you.







Contact webmaster

Page last updated
24 Mar 2009




 Academic standards remain an utmost concern at Western.  When you miss
 tests or assignments, most courses will accept reasonable excuses.  Most
 courses also look for some sort of written documentation as evidence.

 If your reasons are too personal to share with the world in general, academic
 counselors in each Dean's office can send out generic letters on your behalf
 to all courses involved.  Please see our Privacy Policy for more.


Cheating - Who's to blame?

McCabe, Donald L. 1999. Academic dishonesty among high
                school students. Adolescence 34(136):681-687.

Abstract:  Research on academic dishonesty has generally relied on survey
                techniques, which may fail to capture students' true feelings about
                cheating. The present investigation used focus group discussions to
                gain a  fuller understanding of students' beliefs about academic
               dishonesty. The results suggest that, in regard to their cheating, 
               students generally place the blame on others.

Cheating Analysis Program

Our tests are all multiple choice.  The Scantron marking program has an option called Answer Choice Match Analysis. This program compares answers for all students and calculates the Z score probability of similarity due to pure chance.  When this probability is below a certain critical value, the program flags those two students as possible cheaters. We, ourselves, then investigate the situation further.

If you study closely with one or a few other people, chances are that your knowledge bases are similar.  Chances are that you may give similar answers on your tests and your marks may be similar. To avoid possible problems, it is advised that study partners sit away from each other in test rooms. |Top |


A general definition of plagiarism can be found in your Lab Notes, on the back of the front cover.  These scholastic offences and penalties are also listed in the Academic Calendar.

In Bio 1222/23, plagiarism means copying another's words and submitting them as your own. This includes copying lab reports from previous years or copying your partner's report (i.e. words - not data). Gather data together and discuss it together but do not write the reports together. Reports too similar in form and style become suspect. Clues such as identical spelling mistakes or unusual adjectives become dead giveaways.

Other subjects may have slightly different applications or more relaxed tolerance of this problem of copying. It is your responsibility to find out. Penalties become very serious in upper level courses. There is a growing global concern that universities share over cheating. So much so is it at Western that it has arranged a site license for all UWO courses to submit essays to a plagiarism checking program.

As one example, please feel free to visit this web site on Plagiarism.  |Top |


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