1962 - 1969
 - Mr. T.J.Casaubon
Interview:October 26, 1998

          The 1960's marked an era of change in French instruction. No longer was there merely one College of Education, one French instructor (Miss St. John retired in 1966), and one French text book being used throughout Ontario. New teachers' colleges were built and innovative teaching methods were being taught across the province. Choice was suddenly a possibility. French teachers were beginning to use a variety of French resources in their classrooms. Although the prescribed French textbook of the 1960's was Le Francais Vivant, many teachers, such as Mr. T.J. Casaubon, remember using text and resources not found on the ministry approved list.

         Departmental Examinations changed significantly during this era. No longer were they strictly comprised of translation. Rather, French examinations during the 1960's also included short anecdotes, listening comprehension, and multiple choice grammar questions. These examinations reflected the shift in educational policy which was occurring during this era. The narrow, prescriptive approach of the Department of Education during the 1940's and 1950's was giving way to a more flexible attitude and approach. In 1968, formal Departmental Examinations were abolished entirely.

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