1989 - 1995

Quote from Al Boyd

          This era is marked by political and economic turbulence. Although in the midst of fiscal restraint, the Federal Government continued its commitment to French by providing ongoing funding for French programmes.

          "In fact, the funding for and popularity of French Immersion Programmes have steadily increased. In 1984 there were 22 students enrolled in the French Immersion Programme in London. Today there are over 700 students!"
 - Mr. Michael Milhausen

          The guideline governing this era, O.S.I.S., allowed the French teacher great flexibility in terms of resource and textbook selection. Emphasis is placed on evaluating "Les Quatre Savoirs:"

          "That's a long way from a translation approach!"
 - Mr. J.A. Boyd

Indeed, over the course of the Twentieth Century, French has evolved from 
Lecture to a LivingLanguage

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