The Learner and the Teacher
in Primary Education

All components of Module 2 should be
completed by November 28

Module Response - Email (Electronic Portfolio)
1. Text Response - Chapter 3. Review the "Introduction" to Chapter 3. Choose one of the seven concepts listed there and make an brief outline to help you explain your program to others.
2. Text Response - Chapter 4. Respond to Question 4, p.104, (Discussion Questions).

Module Response - Caucus
1. Read the articles assigned for this module and post a response to the question listed on the Caucus site.
Note A response, for our purposes, is not a retelling. It is a relating to your experience and a reflecting on the implications, future directions.

Contributions - Caucus
1. Go to Theory into Practice. Post three suggestions for how the teacher and student peers can support students' language development. (Refer to pp.70-75 and your own experience.)
2. Go to Mini-Lessons. Briefly outline a mini-lesson which works well for you, (in any Curriculum area).

1. Select the subject expectations which fit together meaningfully with the selected theme for your "Integrated Thematic Study" assignment. Ask yourself how you will Assess the learning. Also, ask yourself what activities will enable your students to Demonstrate their level of achievement.
2. Email your planning sheets which list the expectations from each subject your thematic unit will address and the assessment tools and strategies you will be using.